Most of the others either looked curious or surprised, although Nicky was already excitedly rattling off more questions. "How come you are in control while the others are all deranged morons? Yeah, I wouldn't eat Ben either. Insanity is contagious, and considering the stench in that bathroom after he used it, you know he would give you food poisoning. How come you had to go out so badly? If I get bitten by a zombie, how do I stay in control?"

I restrained my irritation at the bombardment of questions and kept my answers as patient as I could. Questions in general annoyed me, but I knew that knowledge often dissipated fears. They had let me in, so they probably trusted me enough to not lunge for their throats.

"The regular zombies have no chance of retaining their sanity. They're insane the moment they turn. For the other zombie ranks, as long as they avoid human blood, human flesh, or any raw or undercooked meat, they can remain in control. Many don't realize the dangers, and when you first come to after turning, there is an extremely strong craving for raw meat and blood."

Perhaps it was a good thing I was full from that moose. It took the edge off my instincts, and even the powerful smell of six humans barely bothered me. That was a good side-effect as far as I was concerned.

Nicky still stared at my red eyes with all the excitement of a hyperactive child. "But why did you have to go out? And what did you mean by there was one less moose in the forest?"

The answer to this question was one that tended to alarm humans. Here we go...

I sighed before replying, "Sanity is shattered by human flesh, human blood, or any type of raw meat. To remain in control, a zombie needs blood from other animals. I had to go out because my control was waning and I had to hunt. The moose blood allowed me to regain full control."

Tom made a face, and Marissa looked pale.

Nicky's excitement flew through the roof. "Like a vampire! Awesome!"

I blinked in confusion at her wild excitement. This girl was definitely off her rocker and had possibly fallen on her head as a child. Several times.

Hank had been watching me closely since I returned and spoke for the first time. "You're too coordinated for a Runner. Are you a Nightstalker or a Terror?"

Ben's eyes went wide at Hank's question.

I nodded at Hank's keen observation. "Nightstalker."

Nicky spun to face Ben with an evil smile gracing her face. "Still feel like kissing her?"

Ben rapidly shook his head, and I chuckled at his sudden change of heart.

"You should be proud, Ben," I told him. "You managed to piss off a Nightstalker at least five times in two days, and you're still alive. Not many can claim that feat."

Words still seemed beyond him at this point in time.

"You don't act much like any zombie I've ever seen or heard of," Nicky commented, tilting her head in thought.

"I was acting as human as I could. Now that you know, I won't be trying so hard, so don't be surprised if I growl or snarl at you. It's as natural for me as breathing is for you."

Nicky grinned at me. "As irritable as you seem, I suspect I'll be hearing more growling than laughter from you."

I bared my teeth in a parody of a grin, letting my white teeth glint in the darkness as proof of how true her words were. I was a zombie.

Nicky grimaced. "Just give me warning before you eat me."

I snorted. "I have no plans on eating you." Especially her. Just in case whatever she had was contagious.

The Virus Within: The Road Ahead (Book 1 - SERIES COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now