"I know, but I can't just shake the feeling that you had something to do with it. The vampires didn't know where my village was until they captured me and somehow someone found out and they made a plan to get me out of the castle so I wouldn't know their plan to take my village down and you're the one who got me out of the castle, William. Explain that to me," I said as I slammed one of the cupboards with a little to much force.

 "I got you out of that castle because I knew that you needed to let out your wolf and you needed to hunt and get some fresh air. I promise you that's the only reason why I got you out of there. I had no idea that they were going to do that to your village. I tried to attack Serena because I found out that she gave the order to the warrior vampires to go and destroy your home. That's when she threw me into the dungon and thats when you got bit by one of the warrior vampires, Jared," he said with honesty and truth in his eyes.

 "Serena gave the order?" I asked with a slight stutter.

 "As far as I know, yes. It could've been her father, but that's not what I heard from the Lycans. They were the ones who did most of the destruction. They didn't want to though. They have no choice but to follow either Serena's or her fathers orders," he said and then grabbed my hand and sqweezed it to try and comfort me.

 "Where. Is. She?" I asked with anger and hurt in my voice.

 "She's in the armory," William said and then showed me the way there.

We were about half way there and I could smell her scent so I started speed walking the rest of the way. I even had to push a few people out of my way and they gave me a dirty look and a few cuss words, but I didn't care. I was to angry to care.

 Once we got closer to the armory, I could tell that she wasn't alone.

 "Jeremiah. Perfect," I spat out. I was right in front of the door at that point. I kicked the door down and made it fly across the room, almost hitting Jeremiah in the process. If he only he was standing an inch to his right, then I would've got him.

 "What the hell, Rose!" Serena shouted.

 "Don't what the hell me. What the hell were you doing giving the Lycans orders to go and destroy my home! Who the hell does that to people?" I asked in so much anger that I started shaking, a lot.

 "Rose, what are you talking about? I never gave that order. The Lycan's don't listen to me, they listen to my father. My father was the one who must've given that order not me. I didn't know what was going on until some of the Lycan's that were still here started acting up and my father rushed me to my room and told me what was going on. He told me that you and William were rebelling against us and that you needed to be killed once and for all. I didn't believe it. That is until William tried to fricking attack me. That was when I wanted both of you gone for good, but then I realized something. You guys were the only real friends that I actually had, so I had to do something to try and save you guys, but it didn't go as planned," she said with a hint of guilt in her voice.

 "What do you mean it didn't go as planned?" William asked.

 "I mean when we started to drag you guys down to where the Lycan's were, you started freaking out and then before I knew it, Jared bit you and that was the end of my plan. Everything went to shit after that. The plan was to get you both down into the other cellar and then get you out of the castle without being seen, but of course a plan that simple is obviously going to get ruined," Serena said as she tried putting the door back on the hinges, but it wasn't working.

 "You mean to tell me that you actually tried to save me after what my parents did to your mother and sister? I thought you wanted me dead all this time?" I asked as I was still trying to calm myself down.

 "Yes. You remind me a lot of my sister and you've became my only friend that I can actually trust around here," she said and then gave me a small smile. "And as for you, well you're her mate, so without her mate then she'll die and I don't want that to happen so I had no other choice than to save you too."

William gave her a small glare.

 "So, besides breaking down the door and practically trying to kill Jeremiah, is there something else that you wanted to talk to me about. I can sense that something else is bothering you," Serena said.

 "It's more so bothering William than me, but he wants you to help me practice fighting in this body, so that during the battle if I have to phase for some reason then I can protect myself and William woudn't have to worry as much about me," I said and then wrapped my arm around his waist. He did the same to me.

 "Of course I can teach you. That shouldn't be a problem at all. I'll have Jared be there as well, since he's the one who changed you, he will be able to help immensely. He is the only one who knows your true potential," she said and then less than a minute later one of the warrior vampires, I'm assuming Jared, walks into the room.

 "Jared, perfect timing. We are actually in need of your assistance."

 "Princess. Your will is my command," he said and then bowed his head.

 "Good. You remember Rose right?" she said and then gestured her hand toward me.

He lifted is head up from the bow and looked at me. The look that he gave me made my heart jump a little. "Yes, the werewolf that I wanted to kill."

 "Yes, well I'm going to need your help training her and perparing her for this battle in this form. William will deal with her wolf form. He's the best wolf warrior I know, well the only one I know, but I've seen him fight many times for my father and he's never let him down. The reason why I need your help, Jared, is because you're the one who changed Rose into what she is now. You know how powerful she is. We already know that she obtained your power to levitate objects and people. We just need to push that levitated power to it's full ability. Also, we need to figure out what other powers and gifts she obtained from you. I know that you also have to ability to read minds of anyone that you chose and that you can control the fire element as well. If Rose is able to do either of those things then we to find out now and train her right away," Serena said with a very serious, but bold and confident look on her face.

 "Serena, there is no way that I'm able to control the element of fire," I said with a shocked looked on my face. Was she really serious about me possibly having that ability?

 "You don't know that, Rose. Anything is possible," Jeremiah spoke for the first time since William and I were there.

 "Anything, but that," I spat out.

 "Rose, if I may?" Jared asked as he held out his hand.

I slowly lifted mine and set it on top of his. I carefully watched as his eyes turned from a dark brown to almost a bright red. I wasn't scared though. I was more curious than anything.

 "What is it, Jared. What do you see in her?" Serena asked. She must've seen the change in eyes eyes too.

 "That's impossible. She can't possess all of that," he whispered.

 "Possess all of what?" William asked with a tint of anger. I'm assuming that was because Jared was still holding my hand.

 "You, my dear, can control the four elements. Earth, Fire, Water and Air."

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