Chapter 14

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“ Does any one know who Senior Micheal is going with?” a girl wearing glasses asked, another shakes her head, a taller girl thinks for  a moment. Three of them stood under the tree to hide from the sun smiling down evening on the open space, she is playing with the leaves

“I hear maybe he isn’t attending, I was in the office helping Miss Monica and Albima to arrange the submitted forms for dances and partners, performances and competition, I saw a lot of names and students but I didn’t see Senior Micheal’s form. When I asked , Miss Monica was saying maybe he didn’t want to be part of it and no one is forced to, but everyone is expected to be there. So he may attend the socials but he won’t compete or be part of it. There are a few students who don’t have partners or no one wanted to go with them, they would be the floor members maybe” the second girl is chubbier, her dimples pops up every time she talks

“Hmm or maybe he doesn’t at all” the third girl folds her arms across her near flat chest

“Yeah Maybe. I am sure he can skip, he is the Student Body President after all and the Principal’s sure no one would exactly querry him if he had  a good reason to not attend”

“But erm..” the  second girl looks around “you know, Senior Chidera is going around telling some seniors to back off Senior Micheal that  he has already asked her to go with..”

Two girls gasps “Really?”

The girl speaking nods her head “Yes really. So maybe it’s true”

‘’ sad”


“Well because ..i sort of wished he went with me”

“You wish”

“No for real, I mean this year the management was trying to break down senior and juniors borders for this year’s socials so a senior can decide to pick a junior as a partner or as a competitor or as a dancer with him or her, it’s supposed to be a one night of broken barriers..mix and be friends , no anger, no resentment and for a whole evening, there won’t be the whole juniors stay at one end of the hall and seniors the other, we all are going to be in one room, talking and jisting, dancing and competing and maybe even win something. That’s the idea..well according to what Miss Monica and Senior Albima went from class to class to announce…’’

“ many Seniors have you seen doing that?” she adjusts her glasses

They think for a moment..


“Good!! Which means they all like mixing with themselves and staying in their high throne and don’t want to mix with us even for a day. Juniors are pairing with each other and seniors with each other.. “

“But… those girls in form B..” the chubby one was scratching her plaited hair

“Which girls..?’’ the other two frown

“You know….the junior that won that race a couple of weeks back and her friends..tsk tsk the one that had that itch scare a while back and oh strangely so, she was the one that Senior Chidera poured juice on that day we were at the remember”

“Oh yea yeah” the other two girls say “So what about them?”

“Well haven’t you all noticed that they seem to be on friendly terms with Senior Micheal and his friends?”

“Hmmm..once or twice and besides Senior Micheal isn’t some stuck up senior like the rest of them, and him and his friends are nice…so I guess he was being friendly” she unfolds her arms and stands at akimbo, looking as students passed back and forth,

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