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Chapter 22


The majority of Lydia's pack escaped with minor casualties. If they hadn't fled, they were killed in battle, a fate better than being what we are. Mere puppets, as Lydia had said.

Paisley and the others had long ago left my presence and the tiring walk home left me to my thoughts, my true thoughts. The ones that weren't clouded by ill judgment.

My head was mainly consumed by how I'd escape with Paisley tonight while making it out alive. I still didn't know our location, and we could be wondering for days until we stumble upon her pack and my parents. That and I was trying to find a way to get in contact with Sophia, I know it would kill Paisley if I didn't bring her dreadful Beta to safety with us. He was locked up in the prison, that much I was sure of. Except I haven't seen a glimpse of him, or so much as heard his name spoken which leads me to believe he could possibly be dead.

It would save me the trouble.

Speaking of the prisons, they came into view and I was soon walking the long hall that led to the weapons room. That very room, held my mate sobbing on a bench in the dim light.

I immediately ran towards her, kneeling before her questioning what could be wrong a thousand times. She cried more and more each time I asked or even touched her when she started crying ear splitting sobs.

"L-Luke I-I had to tell Ariah that you didn't have your treatments and that you were trying to e-escape! I didn't think that was what you wanted b-but then my treatments wore off a-and now they're coming for you!" I shut my eyes tightly as she continues sobbing, then stand to my feet punching one of the lockers.

"Goddammit Paisley," I run my hands down my face, tugging on my hair thinking of a way out. There was no way we could escape in broad daylight, we'd be caught and killed on sight.

"Fuck!" I snarl rubbing my temple as Paisley continues crying.

"I can't stay here any longer. I-I-I'm gonna lose my mind if I'm here for even one more day! I'm not cut out for a place like this!" She was hysterical now as she lept to her feet, screaming and crying while gesturing around the prison with her hands.

"You have to find us a way out!" She begs and I find my temper beginning to rise.

"That's the thing Paisley, I did have a way out until you blew it! All I asked of you was your word and you betrayed me. You think I don't want to leave this place? You think I like it here?! I miss my family more than anything in this world, I was willing to kill to get to them!" I snarl and she continues to cry.

If I had to hear her sobbing for one more minute I was sure I'd go mad. Just as I'm about to leave the room to get a breathe of fresh air and control myself I see Ariah in the doorway.

"Listen to your mate dearest Luke. She wants what's best for you, come with me, let Ariah fix you." His arms are wide open as he looks at me with a wide smile. The bastard really thinks he's doing me good.

I cast a look at Paisley that sends her into another fit of tears. She won't even look at me, her teary eyed stare stays unmoving towards the lockers, while Ariah and his guards carry me off to bring me back to my blind raging state.


So sorry for the short chapter, but two updates in one day so yay?

Leave in the comments what you think about this chapter and you should be seeing more of this book very soon.

Until next time lovelies :) ❥

☪ 1434everr ☪

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