The Beginning: Prologue

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The prodigy son of the well known Alpha and Luna Anderson. Being the son of such well know, high leaders, you can only imagine how much there's to prove and what a pedestal you'll have been bestowed upon once you were first born.

Well, Luke's all grown up now. Big, bad, and... turning eighteen.

Everyone remembers what being eighteen means for the soon to be Alpha. Everyone remembers the day of Brittany Powers breaking into Alpha and Luna Anderson's home, threatning the Luna's life, thus threating the next heir of the Bad Blood Pack, and speaking such a tall tall tale, it was hard to believe.

It's now a known tale after eighteen years.

But so is the prophecy. The vision of a witch. The vision of a powerful witch know as Mali.

The words linger, even after eighteen years, Luke Anderson, will find his mate.

And after that is said and done, things will go down hill, and there will be war.


Sophia... Anderson.

The daughter of Greyson and Valerie Anderson can be described as nothing else but a lover of trouble.

A fiery spirit much like her own mother is seventeen and has a prophecy of her own to fufill.

One that wasn't revealed until she was six years of age, Sophia Anderson will be mated to one of the worst beings possible. One of the worst beings known to man.

A truly horrible man, the prophecy says. One that has no manners and revels in the torture of others. One that kills without thought, destroys without question, and hates without reason.

Sophia's quest to fufill?

Destroy the man that destroys in the most beautiful way possible.

Turn him into someone that is capable of love, able to provide care and safety for others.

Turn him into the man he was never allowed to be.

And if Sophia fails, the war that everyone is trying to escape, will be one that will go down in history. One that will never be forgotten. One that will end, with the lives of two Luna's.

Two Luna's, and her mother is one of them.

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