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Chapter 23


My head weighs heavily on the ground as I stare up at the dim sky. Clouds hover over my tired form, pouring a never ending rain over my body.

Self disgust weighs heavily on me. I was so lucky to have Ariah drive the weakness out of me once again. How weak was I to missed home, to have missed arms to hold me? I'm embarrassed with myself as I stand to my feet, letting the pouring rain shower over me as I stare at the compound.

My mates in there, the one that cares so much for me to have turned me in. My heart swells with gratitude at the thought of her, and how lucky I am to have her. It must've been so hard to do what needed to be done. She knew the weakling I was before wasn't me, that this is my true self.

Although I know how pathetic I was before this, I couldn't help but to actually have something in common with the sad excuse of an Alpha. That was to miss our sister.

Our sister, the same one I shamed for her dreadful soulmate, the same one I almost killed on different soil for hoping to help me. The same one I have wronged endlessly, yet she still returns.

No, I did not miss her. I simply feel pity for her, and I admired her strength. That was all it was.

"Sir, Paisley is having another breakdown." I look over my shoulder to see Ranoldo standing there with hands tucked firmly at his sides.

"Bring her to me."

"Lu-Luke but I can't, not when she's- she's like th-."

"I said," I growl turning to face his shaking body.

"Bring her to me." His response is a curt nod, and his hands as shaking as he turns on his heel to retrieve Paisley. Within moments my mate is before me, shaking with anger.

"Luke, I have to leave this place, I need to get out now. I'm going crazy and I won't last longer here. I don't know how much more I must stress this to you." Her voice was frantic and sharp as I reach out to her. She slaps my outstretched hands away with a glare as I furrow my brows.

"Is this not what you wanted, love? You called Ariah to my aid so that I could become this man, the one in his rightful mind. Had you wanted the weakling to help you escape, you should've never answered Ariah's orders." My voice is low with an underlying growl as she sighs in frustration.

"It wasn't on purpose! I wasn't on my treatments at the time, and I just wanted to leave this place, with your help. Please, help me." She was begging now, her hands clasped before her in desperation. At that moment a memory comes to me, when she was speaking to my other half, she mentioned that her treatments wore off. Is that what's making my mate ill, her lack of treatments?

"You're sick from lack of treatments, Paisley. Come along so I can help you." I grab her hand tightly and she rips it away with narrowed eyes and an accusing finger in my direction.

"You want to turn me back?!" She bellows.

"I only wish to return the favor you've given to me, to thank you for helping me. I want you taken care of, like how you took care of me."

"Stay away from me, I want to be alone for now." With that she turns on her heel running back into the compound, leaving me in the pouring rain.

I breathe in the cool air, knowing my mate will see reason soon. She'll know that I'm trying to help her.

"Luke, come here for a moment!" I feel a sudden rise within myself, knowing it was my weaker half trying to overpower me once again.

Heat was radiating from my body, turning the pouring rain around me into hot steam as I pushed down the need to shift.

Troubles Of An Alpha's Mate (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now