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Chapter 14


It was a slow, long, agonizing wait the past four days waiting to see my mate again.

There wasn't much to do here. So I spent my time looking for ways to escape, there were many holes in the silver fence that guarded us, and I knew I could take out guards if needed.

It would be an easy escape.

Things were hectic these four days, people have been on edge and it brought me back to the day that we were attacked at the burning building.

I found myself thinking a lot about what Mom, Dad, and Soph have been doing. I wondered if they were searching for me, planning an attack to break us out. I wondered if they even had a plan.

There was no point in trying to mindlink, I've tried and it's no use, the link was cut off due to the serum.

It was weird not talking to anyone, I've always been the talkative and social type since I would become Alpha, and Alphas needed to be family oriented and good with people, so my people skills were always sharp.

I was way out of my element now and I knew it, my wolf could feel it too and he was anxious to have his mate back and leave.

Afterall I would be taking the Alpha position when I returned back home, so that should get me into the feel of things again.

I sigh then lay down on the ground staring up at the clouds.

The air around this pack smelt weird, sometimes I swore I could smell Soph but I knew that wasn't possible since she was with Mom and Dad.

I wondered which pack we were at, who was behind this. If only I could get a location I would be able to find out who's behind the war and once I return with Paisley we could attack before they're ready.

A throat is cleared beside me and I open my eyes to see a girl standing about a foot or so away.

"Are you Alpha Luke?" She whispers as I sit up, then she scoots a little bit closer.

She looks to be about seventeen, maybe even eighteen.

"Why do you ask?" I question and she looks around herself anxiously.

"Do you know what the war is about?" She asks and I look at her then frown in thought.

I never was told the reason the war was going to be caused, I only knew that it was our job to fight it.

"The war," She starts then stops as she turns around looking behind her.

"I have to tell you later, they're coming. My name is Andrea, but people know me as Ana. Do not say my real when speaking to other people about me." She says hurriedly then stands up.

"Wait," I start then stop as she turns around.

"I will tell you everything later, I promise." She says then runs off as I sit on thought.

Why is this war happening?

I lay back down on the ground for a few minutes when people buzzing about something, so I stand up looking around.

It wasn't long before I smelt her, and I continued to look when I saw someone standing at a doorway.

I frowned staring at the girl, wondering why I had a pull to her like I did Paisley.

That's when it clicked that this was Paisley, but she looked different and her scent was off.

I start walking towards her to get a better look when I stop and look over her body clenching my jaw.

It was then I realized why I didn't recognize her. It was because she was different, she changed.

Her face showed that she was still young, maybe older by a few years but her body showed a real change.

Males don't start to get urges to claim their mate until the female is almost eighteen, close to shifting and adulthood in the wolf world.

That's what the change was, when Ariah said she was changing, she was changing age, getting older, significantly. And I knew it was his doing.

My wolf starts fighting for control the longer I stare at her body, the less control I seem to have.

My hand twitches as if to grab her but I immediately spin around and shift mid run to put distance between us so I won't do something she wouldn't want and isn't ready for.

It was hard walking away and leaving her there around so many males without her bearing my mark, but I knew that no one would dare to touch her. They would still be able to smell me on her from a few days ago, and if they did touch her, they'd die by my hands.

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So I'm wondering if I should make a book for Sophia once I'm nearing the end of this book or if I should start it now. Thoughts?

♧ 1434everr ♧

Troubles Of An Alpha's Mate (ON HOLD)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin