Chapter Eleven

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"You guys," my chuckle turned cold, "You're pathetic."

"Excuse me-"

"Three Alpha's being held captive by one man. How weak are you three?" I wasn't trying to sound so mean, but being chained up like a wild animal was driving my wolf crazy, and her emotions were easily affecting my own.

"Then please Alpha Cara, escape why don't you?"

"Oh I will," I growled, "And when I do I'll rip that mangy dogs head off and shove it on a stick outside his house."


The dog came back about an hour later. He had five other wolves with him. Michael was the first to go, followed by Gaven, and then Fredrick. I was the last. With one in front of me and one behind, my chains were removed from the wall and clipped to their belts. I wait till my first step, and then pulled.

The guy on my right came first. I swung hard, my fist connecting with his chin with a sickening crack. The wolf on my left dogged my first attack but wasn't able to stop my knee from slamming into his gut. I turned back towards the right but something pricked my neck and darkness swarmed my mind before I was able to get my chains wrapped around his neck.

When I came too Michael was staring at me with worried eyes. He was mouthing something but my attention was stolen by the chuckle at the other end of what I realized was a table. My wolf surfaced and I lunged forward. Leather straps wrapped around silver snapped me back to the chair and pain erupted in my side.

"Oh please be careful my dear," he cooed as he leaned into the light, "I may have accidentally broken a rib or two on the way here." He wasn't what I expected. I was ready to see some razor sharp teeth, a missing eye, or even some scared skin, but the man wasn't exactly bad looking. His dark blonde hair was a wild mess chopped right above his eyes. He had a round face with a pointed nose right about his straight white teeth. What got me most was the color of his eyes. It looked as if there was no color at all.

"Piss of!" I growled inhumanly. The sound made his onyx eyes twinkle, his chair squeaking as he suddenly stood up from the table.

"Did your fellow inmates not give you my rules, my little dove?"

"How about you release me and we talk about this like men?" I asked as he creeped closer.

"And what would be the fun in that?" He chuckled. "Besides, I kind of like seeing you all tied up."

"Let me go!" I snapped at him as he drew close to my face.

"You really don't follow rules, do you? I know they told you them."

"I'd rather have a hybrid eat me alive, then follow your stupid rules!" He froze.

I thought maybe somehow my words had gotten under his skin but instead they made his eyes twinkle with deadly accusation, his lips curling into something wicked. There's no way... my heart stopped.

"Oh my sweet little bird...I wonder, how do you think all your little Alpha buddies will feel," he hissed, his hot, rancid breath whispering across the back of my neck causing my stomach to sink, "When they discover the dark secret you've been hiding? Do you think they'll respect you still? Do you think that little mate of yours," His fingers slid across the spot on my neck where Tiberius's mark would go, "will still want you?" At the thought of the dog marking me instead of Tiberius, my wolf went crazy.

My body jerked at the restrained that held me down, the smell of burning flesh filling the room as the silver began to cut into my wrists, "Go to hell." We snapped as my whole body began to go numb.

"Can't you see princess," he came closer, his lips practically pressed against the skin on my cheek, "You're already there."

"You know," I hissed through gritted teeth, "I think I've lost my appetite. I'd much rather hang back in the cellar."

"I could have that arranged," he laughed before suddenly pulling away, "But I'm tired of having three ugly men to look at. A beautiful face like your own is a nice change."

"Well take a good look at it, because this face is going to be the last one you see."

"I'd like that." It was the last thing he said. I made more rude comments but this time he chose to ignore me.

When my plate arrived along with my server I refused to eat. They tried forcing the food into my mouth but when one accident moved to close I bit her wrist and removed a good chunk of her skin. Her screams filled the room. I tried to bite her a second time but it seemed the wolf at the end of the table had enough.

With his face set in a permanent scowl, he removed me from my leather straps and escorted me back to my chambers. The moment I was back in my shackles, his palm connected to my cheek leaving the room filled in a dark silence. The moment the door closed letting me know of his departure I started laughing like a mad woman. My laughter quickly turned twisted and everything went dark.

A\N: Another update. Please remember these chapters are not edited and will have some mistakes.

Do you guys think Cara will get free?

What is the secret Cara is hiding?

What is the secret Cara is hiding?

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