Chapter 25

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So disappointed with the little amount of comments on the last update man. Y'all do better lol I'm making the updates longer so there are more lines to comment on. So comment as you read please lol those make me happy 😂

I know I said this would be the last update for this, but it's so much more I want to happen so I'm gonna stretch it out til 30 lolol.

You're welcome.

The song above is just another one of the songs I like. I've began to upload songs from my playlists lol.






Maverick POV

"It's okay baby." I lightly bounce Sky, walking around the nursery. It's four in the morning and she's not a happy baby right now. I've fed her, changed her, and everything. She just hasn't seemed to calm down. Macy lifts her head, then puts it back down, placing her paws over her ears. Sometimes I forget she's here she's so reserved. That's how I know she's getting old.

I continue to walk around the house, finally getting her to calm down. She stares up at me, as I wipe the tears from her face. I can't lie, this child is a baby girl version of me, and it made me proud to be her Daddy. I smile, kissing her forehead.

"You can come sleep with Mommy and Daddy." I grab her bottle off the island, and head back down the hall. After getting settled in, I place Sky on my chest, lightly patting her back. Before long she was asleep, and now I was wide awake, letting my thoughts consume me. I look over at Nyla, who was sleeping peacefully. I guess I'll try to get a couple hours of sleep in.

As I was on my way out to work I notice Nyla's outfit for work herself.

"Whoa, no ma'am. I don't think so." I sit my briefcase down, and just give her a once over. She sits her coffee mug down.

"What?" she raises an eyebrow.

"You're wearing that short ass skirt to work?"

"Maverick, I've only worn this to work once. This skirt was expensive."

"That's one time too many." I shake my head. "Change."

"Wha- No Maverick."

"I wasn't asking. If I let you leave the house like that, what does that tell the men you work with?"

"That I'm a grown ass woman, and I can wear what I please."

"Not with me you can't. They're gonna think I don't care, meaning they're gonna think it's okay to say certain things, all because you wanna wear something so revealing. I'm not having that Nyla. Seriously. Go change." I say crossing my arms.  She cocks her head to the side staring at me. "I can stand here all morning."

"Fine." she steps away from the island and heads down the hall. I look at my watch. I was gonna be a little late. But I was fine with that. She came back into the kitchen with some dress pants on instead. "Happy?" she snaps. I smile, walking up to her.

"Very." I peck her lips. "I love you darlin'. Have a great day at work, and I'll be sure to give you a call whenever I get a chance to, kiss Sky for me." I peck her one more time and head out the door.

"I love you too." she calls after me.

Today is a very important day for me. It's not anything work related, but today I was gonna pick out a ring for Nyla. Another reason I've been working so much, I have a jeweler coming from Atlanta to let me customize an engagement ring. I wanted to be able to get anything I felt like was good enough for her, and I didn't want the price to be a problem.

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