Chapter 19

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I first want to apologize for making y'all wait this long. It's just been a lot going on. Sorry everybodyyyyy. 

This is just a little update to kinda just see where everything is. Where the characters stand, and I'll be updating everyday (if there is 20 comments)

Guess what y'all. Moving to New Jersey in about 2-3 weeks. 

Im excited!!!!

Thank you for the comments on the last update.

The song above is a classic! Even people who don't like country knows this. Rascal Flatts is a great group all together.

Follow me on IG btw @jalesiamarie, I'm lit.





Nyla POV

"Ugh, you are killing Mommy today Sky." I groan clutching the heat pad a little tighter. Macy looked up at me from her spot at the end of the bed. She puts her head back down, closing her eyes. I was on my second carton of mint chocolate chip ice cream, as I scrolled through the ads looking for a new house for us.

Maverick has been at the hospital since dinner, and I've been too sick to even leave the room. But yesterday when we got back I was able to see Taj, and it broke my heart to see him the way he was. However, I figured that if there was some sort of miracle, or something, I would adopt him. That wouldn't be fair to the others but Taj is Maverick's favorite.

I sigh, flipping to an ad from Kay Jewelers displaying rings. Some were circled, other's with an 'x' over them. Some had 'not good enough' written in Maverick's pretty cursive. I couldn't help but smile. He had been looking at rings? That means he's gonna propose sometime soon. I hear the front door shut and quickly close the ad book, tossing it back on his nightstand. I close my eyes and turn the other way. He opens the door.

"Hey sweetheart-oh you're asleep." he sighs. "Macy, out." I hear the door shut. I kept my eyes closed as I heard shuffling around the room, and before long he climbed in bed with me. I open my eyes, looking at him.

"What happened to you?" I stare at the bandage on his arm.

"I let Samantha talk me into giving blood today. Look." he shows me a picture of him. (above). I smile, he was so cute. "And I knew you weren't asleep." he laughs shaking his head.

"I was too." I roll my eyes with a smile.

"I didn't hear what sounds like an old man snoring, so I'm sure you weren't." we both laugh.

"I don't snore."

"You do now, that you have that extra weight on you."

"Well it's not my fault."

"You're right because I definitely forced you to get pregnant." he smirks. I sit up.

"You might as well had. With that stupid country accent, and those good looks. Who wouldn't want to have your baby." I smile. He laughs and pecks my lips.

"I just want you having my babies. All seven of them." he says between kisses.


"Just kidding." he smiles. "Twelve." he shrugs.

"Keep dreaming." I laugh. "How is Taj?" I ask. His smile fades.

"Well, he's Taj." He nods. "He can't really talk right now so we were writing back and forth for most of the time." he shrugs scratching at his hair. "I don't wanna think about it darlin'. How have you been, you been resting like I asked?"

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