Chapter 6

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I'm so ready for Thanksgiving food it don't make sense!!!!!

That's Nyla's bff Sahara. aka @cometakeapuff ♥

The video above is my Maverick character (Dustin Lynch) covering Just The Way You Are x Bruno Mars. I loveeeeee it and it goes with a scene from this update. He so damn fine y'all it's crazyyyyyy ♥

CAN YALL BELIEVE THIS FINE MAN IS SINGLE AF?!?!?!?!?!?! (he's waiting to meet me that's all)






Maverick POV

I put out my cigarette, watching my phone ring. It was Nyla and I've been ignoring her calls and texts for 3 days now. I hated when my thoughts and stress brought me to this. I probably smoke 7 cigs a year now. Back when I was with Abbey it'd be like 7 packs a month. 

"Didn't think I'd ever see you picking up another one of those." Marcus comes into my office. 

"Yeah well me either." I sigh. 

"Is she really worth all that?"

"It's not her. It's everything." I roll my eyes. This morning my dad called me, reminding me about the annual business conventional. Every summer a bunch of rich assholes get together to basically gloat about their businesses and show off younger women as if it makes them look good. 

"Yeah? Why won't you answer the phone for her then?" he says. I explain our little situation because believe it or not, Marcus is great with relationships. He just stands there for a minute, chewing his daily red apple. 

"Know something man," he began, "you kinda gotta see where she coming from. I dated this white chick back in high school, and her dad hated me for no real reason. And no matter how good me and Nicole relationship was, the fact that he hated me did matter. She eventually got tired of defending me, and broke up with me, to keep the peace in her house. So it does matter in a way. Hell, you gotta look at Nyla. She's a successful black woman. Not that y'all don't look good together, shit, y'all could be the one for each other, but it's not ideal." he shrugs.

I took in everything he'd said. I mean, he has a valid point but I don't agree still. 

"I don't see why it matters as adults."

"She works for her dad right?"

"Yeah. So what?" I shrug.

"There ya go." he laughs. "She has to deal with him on a daily basis, you don't. That's why you don't see the importance. But I do know one thing you won't fix the problem but not answering the phone. Y'all time together is limited man, why sabotage the fun and shit y'all were having by trying to make a relationship out of it. I mean, if it's meant to happen it will."

"You're right." I nod. I dial her number back, and it went straight to voicemail. I call two more times and then I text her. "It didn't deliver." I raise an eyebrow. I pick up my desk phone dialing her number. I press the speaker. 


"Nyla, darlin' I tried to return your call." I hesitantly say.

"After days of forwarding it? You're full of shit. And I'm blocking this number too." she hangs up. I just stare at the phone, taking in what I just heard. 

"Damn, now you're blocked." he doubles over in laughter. "She blocked ya redneck." he laughs even louder now. I push away from the desk, and grab my keys.

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