Chapter 17

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Y'all came in clutch af with the comments. Forever Grateful.

The song above is just so perfect for this update. PLZ LISTEN AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINKKKKK PLEASEEEE






Maverick POV

I couldn't think straight since yesterday. If they had sex before she came, what if she was already pregnant or something. What if Sky wasn't mine? I hate that I was doubting us but my doubts were because of her lying to me. It was like a repeat of Abbey almost. But here we are having lunch with her parents, pretending to be on good terms. 

"I'm so happy for you too," her mom says. "A wedding is in store too right?"

"There should be." Nyla says. I just nod. 

"Maverick, you don't look like you're too sure about that?" her Dad says. 

"Oh, I am. Just uh, gotta make some changes beforehand." I was being shady, on purpose. I felt Nyla's eyes burning holes through me, but I didn't even care right now. 

"Changes?" Nyla says.

"Oh you know." I scoff. 

"We won't touch that situation." her Mom laughs a bit. "So, let's talk baby shower. We need a date so we know when we should make our way to South Carolina."

"Yeah, we haven't even discussed things like that." I shake my head.

"How about, since you're staying for the rest of the week, we host you one Saturday? All the family and friends here come, and y'all have one when you get back to Asher, for Maverick's family and friends as well?" her Mom claps. 

"That sounds good Mom." Nyla says. I honestly didn't want to be there. "But, I'm getting a little tired, I'm gonna go nap. Lunch was great." she pushes away from the table. After hugging her parents, she looks at me. "I'm ready to go home."

"So am I." I mumble. "Thank you for lunch Mr. and Mrs. Gordon."

"No problem, take care of my babies." Her Mom says. 

The whole ride back was silent. I knew Nyla was a ticking time bomb right now, so I'm sure it was in my best interest to keep my mouth shut. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" she says when we walk through the door of her condo. She tosses her purse on the floor and turns to face me. "You are so fucking stupid! All of this over a damn picture is-"

"I don't care about the fucking picture!" I yell back. "I'm upset you lied to my face. What am I supposed to do? Act like it's okay when it's not? You always try to flip things on me, when you're in the wrong. Be a woman Nyla, own up to your shit."

"I did, I was trying to explain it! You just wanted to keep bitching at me about it! I didn't know I was gonna come back here with you when I left! Otherwise this wouldn't be happening! So stop acting like I did this out of spite. If anybody should have a fucking attitude it should be me. I'm carrying your baby! Does that mean anything to you?"

"Don't act like you're doing me any favors by doing that. I didn't ask you to get pregnant. And I sure as hell didn't ask you to lie to me. For all I know, Sky isn't even mine. Since you lied about having sex with your ex forever ago." I immediately regretted that leaving my mouth. She looks at me with sad eyes, it tugged at my heart honestly. I sigh. "I-"

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