Chapter 23

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That's the best I could do with a pic. So glad I got that out of the way. I write these updates off the top of my head and I felt like that was the way to go. So I took that idea and ran with it.

By the way,  I plan on doing home-birth whenever I get prego. I think it's beautiful.

The song above is just a little something to add to the beauty of their relationship. It's kinda coming from Maverick. I made this character and fall in love with him every time I go back and read my update lolol.

Oh yeah, if the next update isn't, the update afterwards will be the LAST for this book. I'm gonna try to finish it before I leave for NJ. 






Nyla POV

Sky's little cries filled the room. Although she came a little less than five weeks early, my baby girl is a healthy baby girl. I think it may have something to do with finding out the gender so soon, and apparently constant sex when it's close to the due date can induce an early arrival too. But I'm more than happy she is here with us. I sit up, and Maverick stops me.

"I got it darlin." he stretches, stepping out of bed. "What's the matter princess?" He smiles, lifting her from the bassinet by the bed. The only con is not being in our new home before she got here, so we haven't prepared a nursery. But Maverick would prefer her to sleep in the room with us anyways. He's so protective over Sky already and I absolutely adore it.

He climbed back in bed with Sky in his arms after going to warm up her bottle. He made four every night for the past two weeks that Sky has been here, to keep the hassle to a minimum when we had to feed her in the middle of the night. 

"Them pretty blue eyes gonna break some hearts, or make Daddy break some bones." he laughs shaking his head. I couldn't help but watch him interact with her. It was the cutest thing ever really. He looks over at me with a tired smile. "What?"

"I can feed her, you need to sleep babe, you have work in a few hours."

"Ugh, hush Nyla." he rolls his eyes. "I can sleep when I'm dead. My princess won't be this little forever. I just wanna cherish it. Like a good father should.  Ain't that right Sky?" he smiles, kissing her nose. "I am perfectly okay with losing sleep for you sweetheart. I would do anything for you." 

"Don't cry again." I laugh. 

"I can't help it." he laughs. "I honestly just feel like this is some dream or something. I don't know what I did to deserve you, Sky, or this life ahead of us." he shrugs. "But I'm grateful." he looks at me. I lean over and kiss him. 

"I love you." I shake my head. He kisses me again. 

"I hope I never have to go a day without hearing it."

As he got ready for work, I decided the least I could do was make him some breakfast before hand. I walk into the bathroom as he showered. I just put Sky back to sleep and I had at least an hour or two before she would wake up again. 

"What would you like for breakfast Mavvy?" I open the shower door. I couldn't help my eyes trailing that body off his. Once again, my man is a work of art. I met his gaze. 

"You know what I really want, however it hasn't been six weeks so I'll settle for some waffles or something." he smirks running a hand through his wet hair. I pull my tshirt over my head, and slide my underwear down. 

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