18. Demonstration

Start from the beginning

"You realise how cool this is right?" I looked down at his hazel eyes as he looked up at me.

He barked quietly, before licking my chin softly.

"Ok, right, technically its still you licking me, so, stop please thank you." I giggled, wiping his spit off my chin.

"Anyway, I think it's time you turned back again, before Harry comes up and accuses me of befriending a werewolf, vampire, dog, thing." I chuckled.

Zayn simply looked up at me and nodded, before standing up and hopping off the bed and resuming his original position where he transformed. Once again he was enveloped in white smoke, before out stepped Zayn, fully clothed again.

"That's friggin cool!" I breathed, my mouth slightly open in awe.

Zayn laughed before making his way back over to the door. He turned around before speaking,

"You know, maybe I should do that more often, you give me more attention when I do." He winked and made way back down the corridor, his footsteps eventually fading out again.

"Harry." I called softly, knowing he would be able to hear me no problem.

Sure enough, Harry appeared at my door in 2 seconds flat, smirking as usual.

"Yes, my love?" He said, leaning up against the door frame.

"I might go to sleep soon, so if you still want that drink, do it now." I sighed,

His eyes flashed red when I mentioned him drinking my blood, before he shook his head violently.

"No. It's fine I can go hunting, I don't need to hurt you this time." He said sternly.

I got up from the bed and walked over to him, just as it seemed he was about to leave.

"I insist, I haven't really been nice to you recently, I want to make it up to you." I smiled, running my index finger up his forearm, trying to get his full attention on what I was saying.

It worked, since his eyes then flashed red again, and he looked directly into my eyes.

"Just let me get changed into something more comfy." I smirked at Harry facial expression.

Even though he was trying to persuade me to think that he didn't want to drink from me, his fangs were starting to come out, and his mouth was open slightly. I walked over to the drawers that I kept all my stuff in, and grabbed some sweat pants to change into, aswell as a tank top. I walked into the bathroom, delibrately swaying my hips a bit more than usually to tease him, just that little bit more.

When I came out of the bathroom again, I was greeted to Harry standing by the bed, shirtless may I add, and in just his jeans. He chuckled, since he must have seen my shocked expression.

"Well I need to be comfy aswell, don't I, babes?" He asked, almost seductively.

I shrugged and lay down on the bed. He moved over to me, before straddling me and moving some hair out of my face.

"Ready?" He asked, turning serious again for a second.

When I nodded, biting my lip, his eyes turned instantly dark red and he began leaning towards my neck. When I felt his warm breath against my neck, I braced for him to bite into it, but instead he started leaving soft kisses all over the place. Then I work out what he was doing, he was looking for my sensitive spot. Suddenly a burst of pleasure shot through me as Harry sucked on a particular spot. I took fistfuls of his hair in my hands as I moaned lightly in pleasure. I felt him smirk against my neck.

"Found it." He said proudly, before continuing to suck on the sensitive skin.

I was wriggling and writhing underneath him, as he playfully nipped and licked my neck.

"Just get on with it Harry." I managed to choke out, holding his head into the crook of my neck.

"Alright, calm down, love. Just having some fun." He chuckled.

I felt his teeth graze the part of my neck he intended to bite, before I felt that familiar piercing sensation. I relaxed as much as I could, and let Harry drink from me. His grip around my waist tightened for every time he sucked, and eventually he started moaning for some odd reason.

I was starting to feel dizzy, and my grip in his curls became weaker, as my sign to him that he should think about stopping soon. He understood what I was telling him, and pulled away to help me get into bed. He pulled the cover over our bodies, before loosely draping an arm around my waist and snuggling into my back. I fell asleep to his steady breathing against my back, and the soothing sounds of the trees being blown gently by the wind outside.


WHEW! Longest chapter ever today. Mostly cos i had no homework, thank my nice teachers for that. :) Hope you enjoyed it, if you didn't, sorry, I having a bit of writers block for where to go with the story at the moment. Soz

See you next time :P

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