Chapter 31 ♥ King of BO$$E$ Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Umm, Mannie." he swallowed deeply looking forward, nervous.

"Ace gave you that scar Mannie?"

He nodded again "Y-Yea. He take you real serious. It was my fault though. In this game if you want respect you gotta give it and I disrespected him."

I nodded in understanding before reaching my hand out to shake his "Well, out the Bk they call me Money, but I'm guessin you already know me."

"Everybody know you. You Ace's girl, hood royalty... we look up to y'all." he smiled for a short second.

"Who's we?" I asked curious.

"The whole-" he was cut off.

"Let's go lil baby, its business to be handled."


"Mannie take 'er outside," Hassan said but I was too intrigued to go anywhere.

I love the money that comes along with it, but I think its the heartlessness of the game that keeps me so deeply rooted. Nobody gives a fuck about nobody and its that mentality that got everybody stuck, including him and including me.

"Or do you wanna watch?" I swallowed deeply standing straight amongst the others that watched intrigued as we took in the scene laid out before us. money bags on the floor, drugs... it was all here, vivid, and I love it.

"I want to watch you." he smirked and that's when his true colors started to show and 'Ace' was at his best. He was in his element doing what we all know he does most excellent.

The gun cocked and shots fired as I watched him exucute the two sons of an opposing Caribbean drug lord. The man cried out loudly unable to do anything as he was tied to the chair but watch his two sons lay lifeless.

"Come here Mee." I walked across the blood covered floor to where he was and for a moment in my mind I pictured the floor as an ocean... an ocean that I would swim across any day to get to him.

"Your gun loaded ma?" I nodded not knowing what his intentions were. "I'll give you five hunnid large right now and a half a key if you can get the bullet between his eyes from across the room." the smirk never left his face... that's when I realized that this is all a game to him. He doesn't do this because he has to anymore, he does it because he can and it's fun to him. He just loves knowing that he's the best and that no one can do this better than him.

I gulped before turning around and taking five steps away, positioning myself across the room. I turned back to the man looking him dead in the eyes removing the gun out the back of my pants. Aiming straight at first to make sure my aim wad right, before turning it sideways.

One shot was all it took for me to say I made my first kill, but I couldn't help but feel like doing that one deed had alone sparked something inside of my mental that should've remained unsparked.

♥Ace's POV


"It's a cold world lil man, stay in school, you don't wanna end up like ya pops." I wanted to say that I'm nothin like my pops, I'm ten times the man that nigga could ever be at just ten, but those words never left my mouth.

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