"I'll wait for Leo to give me a ride back home." I muttered dismissing him as I took a step back from the expensive looking machine.

"Leo?" he questioned his body already visibly getting tense at the mention of another male.

"Yes Leo."I say not surprised to see his jaw clench shut when he realized I wasn't going to elaborate on who he was. Served him right.

How does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine, Maxwell Knight?

"Desiree, just get in. Don't do this now." He warned eyes narrowing down at me. I cross my arms and look away waiting for him to give up and storm off like ask the other times before when he got frustrated at me..

Because I was quite through with Maxwell- fµcking- Knight and his orders and demands.

"Desiree get in the car" he said irritation already slipping into that thick husky voice. A shiver ran down my neck as I fight the instinct to do as he says.

"I'm not going anywhere with you Max." I say sternly as I glared up at him. "In fact, I'm done. I quit. I don't want to ever see you again Max. Have a great life." I hissed feeling my heart clench at my own words and the shock on his face.

"Who the hell ever said you could quit?"he spat out the word like it was poison as his hand grabbed my wrist and he pulled me back towards him.

I snatch my hand from his grasp feeling rage boil hot and red within me.

"I don't belong to you Maxwell Knight! I'm a twenty three year old woman dammit. And the second you thought you could treat me like some office fµck and take over my life was the second I made my own decision to quit!" I glare stabbing his chest with my index finger with every angry word.

His eyes were trained on me as his hands clenched and unclenched by his sides and his jaw clenched shut.

Up close, I was fully exposed to the power and stunning presence that was my boss.

My goodness, I'm a million percent sure no one ever looked so ferociously delectable when they were angry. And that only pissed me off more because I couldn't even be angry with him without half drooling at his perfection.

With an enraged growl, I turned around and stormed back into the building. This time not halting at the call of my name coming from him.

I went into the hallways down towards the main hall. Turning into a bathroom as step after angry step morphed into a half run. I could my heart pump louder.

"Quite a surprise. I didn't expect you to run straight to me" a voice snapped me from my thoughts and I leaped around from the slammed door hand clutching my chest.

The first thing I saw was the gun in his right hand. A semiautomatic 5-7 pistol, also the only type of gun I knew well. I recognized it because it was one of the main guns in Uncle Ralph's collection that he treasured above all.

It was small compared to some of the deadly things he had in there and also quite common. But he always kept it separate from the rest for some unknown reason he never explained to me.

"But we can always do this now.You are the alphas new bitch?" He chuckled darkly taking my attention from the gun to look up at the man holding it.

He was tall and built with muscle, evident even under the charcoal giant leather jacket and dark jeans. His hair was a dirty blonde military buzz cut. Dark brown eyes with dark shadows underneath and the reek of alcohol practically spewing from him.

"Well?" he inquired lifting a bushy eyebrow at me.

"I...I don't know what you're talking about or what you want but-"

A dark smirk that sent shivers surging down my spine and made the rest of my words die in my throat pulled across his jaw exposing jagged monstrosity of sharp white teeth.

I took a panicked step back running into the door behind me as my hands gripped the handle.

"Are you a screamer?" he chuckled as I cringed back in horror at the sight of sharp fangs snapped out glistering in the low bathroom light.

I gulp looking up as the gun was suddenly pointed right in between my eyes.

"I'll take that as a yes. Now, if you don't want me to blow your fucking head off, you will do as I say." cold eyes met mine.


Soooooo...ahem...that update took awhile. Not sure when I'll be updating again. I kinda lost hope in wattpad past couple months and was extremely busy with sat test and act and the jazz that comes with being a student on your own in this messed up economy and society. I'm working a lot now too so won't have much free time. I'll try to get on here as much as possible but I really cant make promised timed updates anymore. I miss you guys and I love you all. Thanks for being awesome and not spamming me with hate mail. I was seriosly scared to come back because of the demands I'd get. But with minimal damage it's all I can do to say THANK YOU U AWESOME FOLLOWERS!!! I will try to update other books. And I'll be back asap. ~naughty kisses from Rosie

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