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Elsa's POV:

After Tooth left, it just became kind of silent. I looked at everyone and they didn't really know what to say. 

I guess this is my chance to get some of my questions answered.

"Umm," I started. "I was wondering if I could ask a few questions?"

"Of course," Santa assures me. "We'll be happy to answer them."

"Where are we?" I asked first.

"My home," He states. "The North Pole."

I nod slowly.

"What are 'The Guardians'?" I continued.

"That's us," Bunny answers. "We keep everyone in the world that believes in us safe."

"What do you mean believes in you?" I question, completely lost.

"We are people that are considered mythical," Santa explains. "Fake. Unable to be seen by those that don't believe in us."

"I get it," I mutter. "I think."

Jack must of heard me because he chuckled. I look up at him and smile shyly. I don't know why, but he makes me feel at home. I already know that we had something before I forgot because we have a son, but I just can't remember much about him.

I shake my head and look over at the others and they're smiling at us knowingly. I feel my face grow hot and I know that I must look like a tomato.

"U-um," I stutter. "W-why can't I remember?"

"We actually don't know the answer to that," Jack says while looking at me. "But I believe that the Man in Moon has a reason for everything. Because I didn't remember my past either when I was turned into Jack Frost, but it turned out to help us save the world from darkness."

"Okay," I whisper.

And silence falls upon the room once again.

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