I Knew

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Elsa's POV:

As soon as I felt the soft flakes of snow hit my face, my eyes flew open. 

He's here.

My eyes scanned the room for him. 

He has to be here.

My eyes fell to my right and I was left staring into his brilliant blue eyes.

"Jack," I whimpered.

He put his hand on my face and smile gently, shakily.

"I'm here," He assures me just as I had to push. It was stiff and it was the worst one.

But then a delicate wailing cry filled the room.

"What is it?" My attention now turned toward the doctor.

I need to know what it is.

"Congratulations," He says. "It's a boy."

I feel a giant smile light up my face and I turn to look at Jack, but his eyes are only on the baby that the doctor holds.

"WHAT?!?" Anna yells. "B-bu-but, I thought it would be a girl! I wanted it to be a girl!"

I laugh at her outburst, but never take my eyes off Jack.

"I knew you would come," I whisper, just loud enough for him to hear.

He finally takes his eyes off our son at my words.

Our son.

And as our eyes connected, it was like everything fell into place.

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