25. 30 days

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Walls fly past me as the hospital staff roll me down the hallway. "You'll love the rehab center, it allows so much freedom that you won't even know that you're in rehab." Dawson promises, enthusiasm in his voice. The wheel chair stops and his face appears in front of mine, a forced smile placed in front of me, "I will visit you everyday."

"How long will she be there?" That's Tee's voice. As Dawson stands and walks away I continue to stare at the wall, listening to their conversation. "The hospitals Psychiatrist said that 30 days should be beneficial. If on the 30th day she doesn't show improvement then she will stay another 30."

30 days in rehab.

"What will they be doing there exactly? Like what exercises will she be undergoing?" Tee continues, concern in her voice.


"There's no telling, their treatments are different for each patient but I've been promised that they will give her copious amounts of attention. Actually, there's the director right there." The sound of heels click-clacking against the ground comes closer to us. "Dr. Russo, I'm Detective Dawson and this is Stephanie's best friend Telara, its nice to finally meet you." Dawson greets. Shifting and movement, "its nice to meet you both, I assume this is the lovely lady, Ms. Stephanie herself?"

"Yes, this is her." Telara answers. Heels click before a blue eyed woman leans down to face me. "Hi Stephanie, I'm Sheila Russo, I wanted to meet you before you're transported to the rehab center. How are you?" She asks, a nice smile on her wrinkled face. I blink at her. She doesn't miss a beat as she turns to Dawson, "is she sedated?" She inquires.

"No... We've been told that she's in a self induced shock." Silence. "That's understandable considering everything that she has endured in these last few days. Its because of how much she's endured that I want to begin her treatment immediately, so who will be signing the release forms?"

It will be Tee.

"I will be," Tee speaks up. Hands clap together, "excellent, now let's get this paperwork done so your friend can be transported and her recovery can begin."

Heels click away, followed by the sound of sneakers scuffing the linoleum. "Stephanie," Dawson calls. My eyes find his face for a second before returning to the wall beside me. A warm hand slides into my cold limp one, the hand squeezes, "everything will be fine, I promise."

Heels click towards us again and Dawson tries to move his hand but I grip it. My eyes find his, "don't make promises that you can't keep." I say quietly before dropping his hand and looking back to the wall. "Okay, she has been signed over to us, we can get this show on the road!" Sheila says in a cheery voice. Dawson clears his throat, "okay."

Hands grip the handles on the back of my wheelchair and begin taking the breaks off. "I love you Steph." Tee coos, her voice thick with emotion. Someone begins wheeling me towards the exit, a large van parked right in front of the doors.

The Russo Rehabilitation Center.

The person pushing my wheel chair stops, putting the brakes on before walking to the back doors of the van. "You're going to love the center, Stephanie. You'll be back to normal in no time." Sheila says, walking past me and to her own car. I watch as the person opens the back of the van, lowering a mechanical platform before coming back to me. Taking the brakes off, I'm wheeled onto the platform.

"This thing has a little jolt." The man warns before pressing a red button. The platform jumps underneath of my chair before lifting me up, leveling me with the van.  2 minutes later, my wheel chair is secured in the van and the engine is started. I look out the window in front of me, a small tear leaking out of my eye as the hospital disappears from my view.


BOOM! THAT IS THE END OF BOOK TWO! Its time for us to move forward and into Stephanie's recovery! Now for those who haven't connected the dots, allow me to connect them for you: there will be a third book! The third book is named "30 days in rehab" and you can find it on my page!

(While you're on my page, click that link and follow my Instagram that was solely dedicated to wattpad!)

I'm so excited to continue this journey of Stephanie's life with you all, so let's not delay this any further! Go read the third installment!

No Heroes Here.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz