23. Help

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I lay in bed, tears falling my ears as my boredom forces me to remember everything Daniel. The first day we met, the connection was instantly strong and bonded. It was more than unexplainable, it was more than complicated, it was so much more.

"On the inside she's thinking, 'all this money, and I don't know what to spend it on'." A voice says sneaking up behind me making me jump. I turn around to see its Andrews friend.

"You know mind reading without permission is a invasion of privacy?" I say as I put a hand on my hip and smile. He laughs, a little to hard for my liking. "I'm sorry, I guess I'll try to keep my talent to myself then." He says, a smirk still lingering on his face.

With a Quick grin, I turn and begin walking towards Victoria's secret. But this time I hear extra foot steps. I slowly stop walking, the extra foot steps stopping too. I take a step, there's an extra step. I jump, there's a mimicking sound behind me. I turn around to come face to face with Andrew's friend.

"Can I help you?" I ask, sassing a little. He smiles, "I wanted to actually spend some time with you." He says.

I raise an eyebrow, "you don't even know me." I point out. He shrugs, "I can get to know you. Plus I know your Andrew's new best friend so we might as well get to know each other 'cause we gone be seeing a lot of each other any way." He says.

Eh, I could use the company, I guess.

I nod at him, "alright, come on."


I stare at the pinkish white bra in my hand, imagining how it would look on me. "Oh, that's cute, get that!" Daniels enthusiastic voice floats into my ear. I look to my right, coming face to face with his chest. I look up and see a bra on top of his head.

I look around, "what is wrong with you boy! Take that off ya head!" I whisper, cracking a smile.

Daniel is great company, he's funny, smart, but stupid at the same time. Before I even set foot into the store, he had me laughing.

I watch as he pulls on the hanger that the bra is on. He screams like somebody just stabbed him in the neck.

"Shhhh! Shut up before I stab you in the neck! What's wrong?" I ask, my hand over his mouth. "Mish shluck min uh shlock!" He exclaims. I roll my eyes and remove my hand. "What?" I ask.

"Its stuck in a loc, I can't get it out." He whines, sticking his bottom lip out. I suck my teeth, "lean down." I command. He leans down, hands on his knees. I untangle the hanger from his hair, freeing him. I ignore him and look at the bra. "This is actually pretty cute, where did you grab it from?" I ask, looking back to him.

After a few more minutes of shopping, Im ready to check out and go somewhere else. "Danie--" I pause when I see the cashier pressing down on him. I hold back a laugh at his uncomfortable expression. I walk to the counter and put my things down, waiting for her to notice me.

After three minutes of her trying to flirt and Daniel being red in his face, I clear my throat. "Excuse me! Can you ring me up?" I ask, catching her attention. She glares at me before excusing herself from Daniel. He walks over to me as she starts doing her job. "Steph, I'm scared. She asked me out for coffee." He whispers in my ear. I bite my lips to keep my from laughing, seeing the glare that the woman is throwing at me.

"I don't even like coffee!" He explains, his eyes wide. I snort but before I get to full out laugh, this bit-- I mean lady cuts in. "$207.56," she sneers. I look at her with a blank expression as I give her my black card.

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