5. Patience

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Omniscient POV

Stephanie stands beside but far away from Andrew as they watch the prison entrance. It took Andrew 10 minutes to explain what happened with Daniel and why he didn't keep in touch.

"Why didn't he write me then? What stopped him?" Steph asks. Andrew licks his lips, "He was being watched the entire time, constantly. They monitored who he talked to in and out of the jail. They were prodding and trying to find someone else to take down for the other murders they couldn't charge him with. And because of that he took the sacrifice of not talking to you to let you be out of their range of eye." He explains.

So here they are, waiting, counting down the moments until he's free.

Stephanie looks at her custom watch, her foot tapping with impatience. "Where is he at, he was 'pose to been out 20 minutes ago." She sasses, looking to Andrew for answers. Andrew shrugs, checking his own watch, "These things can take some time, Steph, be patient."

She blows out air, trying to calm herself. She runs a hand across the back of her head, feeling the fresh shaven cut that she has. She had made multiple physical changes as well as mental changes while she was down south. She had gained a bit of weight, her small waist still small but a little wider, complementing her bigger thighs and rear end.

She had gotten more tattoo; a large tattoo now rests on her back, snaking around to bottom of her stomach near her belly button. As for mentally, she's stronger. She had accepted the facts of her past and built her strength on them. She changed her mindset from everyone deserves respect to everyone has to earn her respect. 

Peeking up from the ground, she loses her breath. There he was, in all his glory. So much had changed about him that she didn't know how to take it all in. He was physically bigger; his arms and torso nearly ripping the shirt he was wearing.

He had cut his hair, it gave him an older look, instead of looking like a teenager. And his walk? His walk was no longer bouncing. He didn't bounce on his feet, no. He took steps of power, each step showing his confidence. He was no longer a little boy in a mans body; he was all man.

Daniel looks around for a bit before he spots Andrew and a girl standing next to him. He looks at the girl, confused as he gets closer.

Who is this girl? Where's Stephanie? He wonders. But once hes gets half way there, that's when he realizes, that is Stephanie.

She stood differently, to him. She used to stand with her knees together, giving a sense of innocence. He observes her new stance, her hip popped out, hand on waist, giving an unspoken attitude. Her hair was up, the new color, pitch black, drawing his attention. By the time he finally reaches her, he's in complete awe.

She said she was going to change, and that's what she did.

She looks up at him and smirks, "Was'sup baby." She greets, blowing him away once he hears a small amount of country in her voice. He smirks at her, his smirk turning into a grin as he looks down at her. He reaches down, his arms encircling her waist, pulling her up to his level. 

"What did you say?" he teases, putting butterflies in her belly. She smiles, wrapping her legs around his waist, "I said hi 'big daddy daniel'." she teases back. He chuckles, memorizing her face. He leans in to kiss her, his eyes half closed.

But he's interrupted when he hears a female screech his name.


No Heroes Here.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ