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I'm terribly sorry that this update is so, so late. I have a bucketload of excuses but I'll leave those for after the chapter. Enjoy!

(Also I might have decided to change the tense for this story. I'm sorry. This sort of thing bothers me to no end, and here I am doing it. I just couldn't write this chapter in any other tense besides present. (I didn't even realize I was writing in present tense until I was halfway through lol). I'm sooooorry. Forgive me.)

(And I wrote (and edited) the entirety of this chapter in under 24 hours (while still going to school and all that shit) so I apologize if it's kinda, totally terrible :)


Yixing jolts awake and almost falls out of his chair when he's startled by the front door slamming open. Getting his bearings, he glances blearily at the clock and gathers that it is way too late at night (late enough for it to be considered morning) for fucking doors to be slamming open and waking up the whole goddamn house.

It strikes him that maybe he should be worried. What if it's like... a robber or something? Or maybe a crazed fan–out to strangle them in their beds in the middle of the night?

But really he's just frustrated because he was in the middle of a really good dream. Something involving Baekhyun and those pretty fingers of his (and some whip cream)...

Shaking off the last traces of sleep, he realizes that there are some strange noises emanating from the front hallway. It sounds a bit like a cross between a drunk three-legged monster stumbling about and someone getting painfully choked between Natasha Romanoff's glorious thighs.

Not that he notices her thighs.

Okay, okay. Fine. But who isn't extremely slightly attracted to Scarlett Johansson?

And of course, thinking about thighs, ultimately leads him to fantasize about Baekhyun's perfect, delicious ones that he might or might not daydream about biting...

Coming out of his reverie, he finally realizes that the sounds of mortal pain and discomfort drifting down the hallway belong to familiar voices. Junmyeon hyung and Baekhyun's to be exact.

What the hell did they get themselves into this time?

Sighing, Yixing extracts himself from the uncomfortable position in which he had fallen asleep in on his chair and makes his way outside to face whatever catastrophe awaits him.

'Drunk three-legged monster stumbling about' hadn't been so off after all.

Baekhyun is intoxicated. He's filthy drunk. Yixing can tell just by looking at him. He's the type of intoxicated when people do crazy things like dressing up in chicken costumes and howling at the moon while eating honey straight from the jar with their hands―not that Yixing has any experience with that of course―and don't remember any of what they did or why they did it the next day.

And Junmyeon is there. Gallantly doing his best to extricate Baekhyun from around his neck and remove the younger's shoes at the same time. Looking up, he spots Yixing and a look of relief transforms his face and he sends out a silent cry for help.

"Yixing," he croaks, because currently Baekhyun's elbow is jabbing into his neck in such a way that it looks dangerously close to cutting off Junmyeon's air supply. "Please―help me."

After suppressing a hysterical laugh that is bubbling up in his chest, Yixing rushes forward to the rescue and grabs a flailing-about-Baekhyun by the waist and struggles to pull him off Junmyeon.

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