Family Holiday

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Niall and I had organised a holiday to Disneyland in Florida.

"Are you two having fun?" Niall asked our 6 year old son, Liam and our 3 year old daughter , Aaliyah. They both nodded.

Niall was holding Aaliyah's hand and my hand and I was holding Niall's hand and Liam's hand.

"Mummy!Daddy! It's Minnie Mouse!!" Aaliyah said excitedly pointing to Minnie Mouse. "Why don't you both have a picture with her?" Niall said. We took the kids over to mine Mouse and they hugged her and Niall and I took pictures of them.


We just came out of a gift shop, Liam had a Mickey Mouse hat, I had a headband with Minnie mouse ears on it, Aaliyah had a princess crown and Niall had a princess crown too.

Paul, Niall's bodyguard, was here with us so we didn't get mobbed but the kids liked him being here. He stays in a certain place as then we would call him if we needed him.

Niall called Paul to ask him to come to us, there wasn't an emergency , we just wanted him to take a picture of us and the kids in front of the castle because we didn't want to ask someone walking past.

Paul came right away and Niall gave him his phone. Paul looked at Niall weirdly and chuckled. "Why do you have a princess crown?" He asked chuckling. Niall looked down at Aaliyah and paul nodded understanding.

We stood in front of the castle. Niall was holding Aaliyah on his hip. "Do you want to be picked up too?" I asked Liam and he shook his head standing in front of me and Niall. We put a hand on his shoulders and smiled.  Paul took the picture and it was perfect.

@Niall_official: Perfect Family Holiday! And yes I'm wearing a crown, Liam and Aaliyah told me to! X

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