The figure stopped behind the wide desk in the middle of the room. He had blond hair, a red cap, an eye patch covering his right eye, odd clothes that consisted of the colors red and green, and a pipe in his mouth. “My name is Rokurou,” he spoke, writing his name on the blackboard behind him, “but if you’d like, you can call me Roku instead. Welcome to classroom 2-C. Most of you won’t be here next month since I teach second-year high school students in the Soul Division. A majority of you will be moving on to either the Mind or Body divisions next door.”

A hand shot up in the air.

“…what do you mean you already have a question?”

“I thought smoking on campus is prohibited,” said the student.

“You don’t see smoke anywhere, do you?”

He lowered his hand.

“Since it’s the first day of school, today is pretty much a free day. You can talk or ask me anything about the school, but please keep your voices down and stay inside the classroom. After lunch, I’ll give you guys a tour of the school.” Roku sat down behind the desk and began to read a newspaper about current war events, keeping the pipe in his mouth.

“Is it me, or does this school get weirder and weirder kids each year?”

“The staff is kind of weird, too…”

“What should we do after school, Tanaka?” asked Yamaguchi, who was already turned around in her seat.

“I don’t know,” he bluntly replied.

“I think we should take a stroll through the city. There’s lots of buildings to look at.” She leaned on Tanaka’s desk with her elbow, holding her cheek in her hand and staring outside the classroom’s window. “All the buildings in this city are ugly-looking, though.”

“They’re designed to withstand bombs,” interrupted the teacher. “Your voice is too loud.”

“I’m sorry, sensei.”

The whole classroom’s eyes were on Yamaguchi.

Several hours passed with students telling their friends about their vacations, and as Roku said he gave class 2-C a tour of the school after lunch. The day was nearing its end, and when the school bell reverberated throughout the campus students excitedly rose out of their seats.

“Tomorrow we’ll begin reviewing the history of ○○○,” muttered the teacher. “Have a good day.”

When Tanaka and Yamaguchi managed to get out of the classroom and make it out to the hallway, Yamaguchi pulled her brother aside from the crowd.

“Can you wait for me?” asked the female, ears flicking a little. “I need to use the restroom.”

He gave a silent nod, standing with his back pressed against the wall as his sister entered the restroom.

“I heard there’s a fight going on downstairs.”

“A fight on the first day of school? Where is it?”

“Drama club. Second floor.”

“I heard there’s a couple of creepy kids in that club.”

Before he knew it, Tanaka’s legs were already moving towards the stairs.

“Leave me alone!”

Tanaka’s ears perked up as he neared the room with “Drama Club” labeled on the front of the door. The voice belonged to a girl, and she sounded as if she was being harassed. As he reached the door, Tanaka flinched as he heard the sound of someone being slapped.

“Stupid bitch.”

He entered the room, noticing a high school girl with black hair being cornered by two male students. All three of them simultaneously turned their heads towards Tanaka.

“And who the hell are you?” one of them called out to him, balling his fists.

The girl with the medium length hair kept her gaze averted, not saying a single word. She had her arms crossed over her body in a defensive manner.

“Leave that girl alone,” said Tanaka.

“Stay out of our business,” replied the second male, turning around to face the dog-eared teen, “unless you want to break an arm.”

Tanaka only took a step forward. “I said to leave that girl alone.”

“So you’re the rumored Dog Boy. Where’s Dog Girl?”

“I guess I wouldn’t be wrong to call her a bitch,” one of the boys snickered.

Tanaka balled his fists too and took another step towards them.

“Whatever. Let’s see if you’re all bark or all bite.”

Both of the male students stepped away from the dark-haired girl, providing her an opportunity to leave. Instead of doing something to assist Tanaka, she fled the club room.

“A freak like you doesn’t belong here,” muttered one of the two boys. “I bet you’re a spy for the Conquest.”

“In that case, let’s kill him right here!” retorted the other boy. “Don’t worry, we’ll leave your body where no one will find you.” He took a few steps towards Tanaka, raising his fists. “Because after all, worthless students disappear here at night.”


The punch was aimed for his face; when it was delivered, Tanaka’s world went black.

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