"I like it. It's going good," Harry replied.

"I'm glad," she flashed him a grin and scooted closer to him, while practically pushing her damn boobs into his face.

"Mmmhmm," he hummed.

"So are you here with anyone?" she asked him. Damn she was fucking desperate.

"Yeah. I'm here with some friends," he replied. Friends. Friends? Fucking friends? Was that all I fucking was to him? A fucking friend? 

"Dude calm down. The anger and jealousy is practically steaming out of your ears," Liam told me. 

"I want to murder that bitch," I whispered to him.

"I know, but don't. Everything will be fine," he tried reassuring me, but it didn't work. I sat there with my jaw clenched staring at the little slut.

"You know what would make this match better?" the bitch asked Harry.

"What?" he asked. 

She replied with leaning into him and kissed him faster than I could blink. I sat there with my mouth open trying to process what the fuck just happened. She ran her hands through his hair, and finally pulled away. I stood up and walked off the bleachers. I couldn't fucking take this shit. What the hell just fucking happened? I can't believe what that little whore just did. She fucking kissed Harry. Harry was only supposed to fucking kiss me. He was my fucking boyfriend. At least I thought he was, right?

"Louis! Where are you going?" Liam called.

"I'm fucking going home!" I yelled.

"Louis wait!" Harry called after me. I didn't reply to him.

"Louis please wait!" He called after me again. This time I turned around.

"Why don't you go fucking make out with that little whore again?" I said coldly.

"You know I didn't kiss her! She kissed me!" he yelled.

"Whatever. Just don't talk to me," I spat.

"Don't do this Louis," he sighed.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want," I replied.

"Come on Louis." 


"Just stay please. You know I didn't want to kiss her."

"Really? It didn't fucking seem that way."

"Stop being stupid Louis."

"Oh so now I'm stupid? That's nice to know."

"Shit you know I didn't mean it like that."

"Get away from me Harry."

"No, Louis you're over reacting."

"I'm over reacting? You think I'm over reacting? Really Harry? Really? Go fuck yourself!"

Once I said that, I started running. I ran all the way home while tears ran down my face. He didn't even bother trying to follow me, which I was glad for yet disappointed. I just ran up to my room, and listened to my music on blast trying to get the image of that bitch kissing him out of my mind. After a few minutes, I fell asleep. 

I woke up again to a knock at the door. I looked out my window and saw Harry's car. Goddammit what does he want now. I ran down stairs and opened the door.

"What do you wa-" I started.He wasn't at the door, instead a bag was on the porch. "What the hell?" I said to myself.

I opened the bag and saw a carton of frozen yogurt. I looked around and didn't see him, but his car was still there. I walked back inside my house and was about to close the door when Harry's shoe jammed in between the door preventing me from closing it.

I opened the door again to tell him to go away when he came into my house and slammed the door closed. He pushed me up against it and kissed me hard. I tried pulling away, but he grabbed my hands. He pulled away an inch and touched my forhead with his.

"Please forgive me?" he whispered. When I didn't answer, he kissed me again, but this time it was slower.

"Please forgive me baby?" he said again. I couldn't stay mad at him any longer. I finally gave in, and kissed him back. I grabbed him by the waist and turned us around, so he was against the door. I pulled away and smirked at him.

"Yes, I forgive you." I whispered, then kissed him again.


Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm still looking for some more covers, so if you make any edits please dm or tweet them to me on twitter my username is @cagedtommo :) And when I get 315 reads i'll update again, so tell your friends to read and vote for my story thanks :)

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