9. New Beginnings

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@BreezYfan2: @MinaTran how do u feel knowing ur a side bitch? You were never gonna last anyways. #teamchriannaallday

Damn, she was acting like she was really in the situation. I tweeted her back.

@MinaTran: @BreezYfan2 how do you feel knowing Chris will never notice your thirsty ugly ass? I'm fine boo. #minaallday

That would shut her up. There were a bunch of other tweets, some telling me to stay positive, and that people were rooting for me, but some were really hateful and mean. Ninety percent of these people didn't even know me, but they stayed acting like they were in my relationship.

That was something I wasn't gonna miss. Team Breezy could either make your life a blessing or a nightmare. Right now it felt like a nightmare.

I sent out one more tweet before locking my phone.

@MinaTran: I'm fine, I'm actually really happy. New beginnings. Stay positive today everyone!

New beginnings, that sounded great.

An hour later I was packing all the boxes into my small Toyota Yaris. Nia had been such a help, and had written what was in every box on a piece of tape so it'd be easier to unpack when I finally found a place.

"Alright, that's the last box. You're all set. Be good, think positive. Text me and we'll go out to lunch and catch up." Nia smiled and put the last box, labeled pictures beside me in the passenger seat.

"I will. Thanks so much for this Nia."

"You're welcome, now I'm gonna go get some sleep." She waved and turned to walk into the condo's lobby.

"Wait Nia, give these to Chris!" I yelled through the open window and grabbed my key chain. I took off the apartment key and the parking garage key and passed them to her.

Bye bye Suite 102.

Nia Riley


"You're so cute." Draya smiled as I sat across from her at her photoshoot for her label Fine Ass Girls.

"What did I do?" I laughed while Claire was applying bronzer to her face. Ever since that day Claire did all the basketball's wives makeup, Draya only used Claire for anything that involved makeup.

Also, ever since that night/morning with Draya, she and I had been inseparable. We'd FaceTime, go out to lunch, she'd pick me up from work sometimes, I'd take pictures for her website sometimes. Everything was nice.  

"Nothing, you're just really cute."

"Well thank you." I grinned and stuck my tongue out at her.

"Can you two keep your lez fest to yourselves?" Claire fake choked and closed her Naked 3 palette. Draya's face was beat to perfection, by my best friend Claire of course.

"Sorry Claire, I just can't get over my baby. Thanks for bringing her to the club." Draya stood up from her chair and moved over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I usually never showed PDA, even if it was around Claire, but Draya was all about it. Especially on her stupid Basketball Wives show! Draya wasn't really technically a Basketball Wife, she was a basketball baby mama if anything.

But she was the money maker of the show, so they were always finding some type of fake scenario to put her in, especially when we were together.

I hated it, we weren't even together, and they were constantly putting the camera in my face, even though I'd told Draya I don't wanna be apart of her little show. I wasn't for publicity at all.

Suite 103. (COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang