Chapter 17: Good Times

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Dinah quickly scarfed down her breakfast and collected her phone and purse.

"Where you off to?" Milika asked her.

"To Lauren's house, gonna hangout there today." She replied in a hurry, fixing the straps of her shoes.

"Don't annoy her parents."

"Actually they're not home!"

"Okay, don't burn down their house and take care!" Milika yelled as her daughter rushed out of the house. Dinah had earlier got a call from Lauren saying that her parents were out of town for the day and that she should come over. And that was exactly what she was doing. She jogged to the younger girl's house. When she reached the door she fixed her hair and knocked on the door impatiently. It took Lauren less than a minute to reach the door.

"Hey," Dinah greeted the slightly disoriented and panting girl.

"Daddy!" Lauren squealed and embraced her.

"Someone's really happy," She teased the brunette, walking inside the house and closing the door with her foot.

"I missed you so much," Lauren said in a baby voice.

"You saw me like yesterday Lo," Dinah picked her up by her thighs. Lauren instinctively wrapped her legs around her waist.

"But still miss you, dada," She pouted and placed a soft kiss on each of Dinah's cheek making her smile.

"I missed you a lot too princess," Dinah slowly settled down onto the couch with Lauren on her lap. Lauren's green eyes grew large and sparkled brighter when she heard her daddy calling her 'princess'.

"Wait, Lolo, did you eat breaky?" The brown-eyed girl questioned her, moving some hair grazing Lauren's forehead to the side.

"Wes." Lauren replied, smiling. She tugged on her the hem of her pajama top and said, "Out,"

"Sure, c'mon,"

Soon Lauren's regular pajamas were replaced with an adorable white patterned dress. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail as she requested. She took her stuffed animal in one hand.

"Wanna p'ay now!" Lauren said, bouncing up and down.

"Play what baby?" Dinah playfully poked her nose making her giggle.

"Hide and seek! I hide, daddy find me and Nawa," The brunette explained holding up Nala to her chest. Dinah smiled at how the younger girl included her stuffed toy into the game as well.

"Okay, but don't climb on top of things or go outside, you will be in trouble if you do," Dinah warned, waging a finger at her.

"'Kay," Lauren mumbled, pushing the blonde towards the wall. She said, "Count to ten."

Dinah did as told and counted to ten in a painfully slow pace to give Lauren enough time to sneak out of her room and up into the attic. Sure enough the sound of her footsteps weren't inaudible and Dinah heard exactly where she had gone to hide.

"Ready or not, here I come!" Dinah shouted before slowly making her way down the hallway, towards the set of stairs which led up to the loft.

"Hmm, where could Lolo be hiding," She said out loud. Lauren giggled, from behind an old sofa set. The older girl heard this and smiled to herself. She pretended to look for her, checking the entire the place except the spot where she assumed Lauren was hiding.

"Lolo? Where are you, baby? Did you l-leave me?" The blonde gave herself a mental pat on the back for her acting skills. The younger girl on the other hand felt terrified when she saw her daddy upset. She was debating whether she should come out of her hiding spot or not. She quickly made up her mind when she saw her daddy collapse onto floor, 'crying'.

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