"Okay Jason. Come". I said as Nick put him down.

I took his small hand and start walking to a table.
I sat down and pulled him on my laps.

"Jason, you can't just say things like that in front of people". I said smiling softly.

"Did I do something bad?". He asked quietly playing with my necklace.

"No". I sighed. "But you know old people can be scared if you talk about babies". I said.


"Because they are too old and they don't remember being babies". I whispered.

"So can I talk about it with my friends at school?".

I laughed. "No. No one. Just keep it for yourself, okay?". I asked and he nodded pouting.
"Good". I kissed his forehead and he let out a yawn before resting his head on my chest.
"You want to sleep?". I asked and he nodded a little.

I stood up and start walking toward the stairs.

"Where are you going?". I heard Hunter ask behind me.

I pointed at Jason and his eyes moved to him before he nodded.

I walked up the stairs and found one of the guest rooms. I walked and closed the door behind me.
I slowly took off my heels and went to the bed with Jason.

He hugged me tight yawning again.

"Go to sleep baby". I whispered when I felt him playing with my necklace again.

I was running my hand through his hair slowly until he fell asleep after a few minutes.

I looked up when I heard the door open and I saw Hunter walking in.
He closed the door quietly behind him and moved toward us.

"He's gonna have a hard time sharing you with the baby". He said sitting next to me.

I smiled. "No he won't. He will be just fine".

He layed beside us and wrapped an arm around me. I rested my head on his chest sighing.

"What if the baby is a boy. What would we call him?".

"Florine". He whispered close to my ear and I laughed.



"No way". I chuckled shaking my head.

"Why not? You know when he gets to his teenage years and start acting up or bringing girls at home. Then we will use that name just to make him feel like shit".

"You are a horrible person". I laughed.

"I'm just being a parent. Making my children's life a living hell but with love until they are legal".

I smiled running my hand through Jason's hair.
"You are terrible". I sighed.
"Speaking of Florine, I hope you are not being a jerk with Donovan".

He snorted. "Of course not. I fired him".

I quickly turned my neck to look at him and he looked down at me with a raised eyebrow.
I glared at him before putting Jason in the middle of the bed.

I got out of the bed and told him to follow me outside of the room.

"Why? So you can yell at me?".

"Hunter". I glared at him even more and he sighed standing up.

We walked out and I closed the door behind me. He started making his way down the hall and to his father's office.
He let me walk in first then closed the door.

"Why did you fire him? Have you lost your mind?". I asked angrily and he shrugged.

He actually shrugged at me.

"I don't like him".

"Of course. If it's not family, you don't like anyone. Why did you fire him? You know he has a son right?".

He groaned frustrated. "I gave him a recommendation for another company with a letter. He won't have a problem finding a job in the companies I work with. I just don't want him in my company".

"Why not? Because he invited me?".

"I don't know why I don't like him. Maybe that's one reason".

"I hope you know you are being unfair".

"No I don't think so".

"Yes you are. You're firing him just because you don't like him".

"Yep. I don't trust him".

"Who do you trust?". I asked exasperated.
"Give him the job back, Hunter".


"Hunter". I snapped glaring at him.

"You know I don't do what you tell when I know I'm right. So give up". He said exasperated.
"And stop defending him. I don't like it".

I crossed my arms over my chest. "I will if you are being unfair to him".

"He is not having the job back". He said in a final tone and my annoyance increased.

I stood in the middle of the room glaring at the very annoying man in front of me.

"Are you hungry?". He asked looking at me. "Come on. You haven't eaten yet". He said grabbing my waist but I pushed his hand away.

"I can eat by myself". I said walking toward the door without waiting for him.

Billionnaire's Ex-wife (Knight family book#1)Where stories live. Discover now