But I don't mind. At least if he stays right here on my lap. I run my fingers through his hair, burying my nose in his hair as I kept my eyes on the tv. He just snuggled into me more but didn't say anything. I wrap my arms around him and rest my chin on his head, making sure not to bother him.

I was watching some show about the zombie apocalypse and whatever, daydreaming instead of really watching it. It was only around five so it wasn't too late but I was a little tired.

I looked down at Theo, watching as his eyes scanned the pages quickly, reading at a fast pace. I admire Theo as he reads. I don't know why but whenever he reads, I can't help but watch him, admiring him. He caught me staring at him and he looked up at me. I blushed and looked back up at the tv.

He goes back to reading, shaking his head with a small smile on his face. A couple minutes later, I hear soft snoring coming from Theo. I look down and he has the book in his lap, head resting on my chest.

I smile and I pick up the book and save his spot. I put it on the coffee table and I wrap my arms around him, holding him tight to me as he took a nap. Since he was sleeping now, I started admiring him again. I turn his head a little and I lean down and kiss him softly on his lips. My heart started beating faster and I leaned back. His eyes were still closed but he moved around a little. I wish we could be like this more.

He shivered slightly and cuddled up closer to me. I didn't even notice that it was cold. I didn't have a cover or anything, all I had was my body heat to warm him up. He gets cold easily but the cold didn't really bother me.

I snuggle him closer, my arms wrapped tightly around him. I bury my head in his hair, lips rubbing up against his forehead.

He's mine.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I moved one arm and I took out my phone. I looked at it and it was Nick. He was calling me. I didn't know if I should pick it up or not since Theo was sleeping.

I picked it up. "Hello?" I said quietly. Theo didn't move.

"Hey Calum. You busy?" He asked, voice husky.

"Kinda, why?" I whisper, trying not to wake him.

"Why are you whispering?"

"Theo's asleep. What do you want?" Theo shifted slightly on me.

"I was wondering if I could come over." He mumbled. I checked the time. About five forty.

"Why? Isn't it a little late?"

"Yeah, but I really don't want to be here." He says, groaning.

"How come?"

"My mom brought her new boyfriend and I hate him already." He growled. I heard shuffling around on the other end.

"Oh. Who is it?" I ask, genuinely curious. Nick's always protect of his mother and sister. I can tell how mad he is right now.

"Some dickhead. Can I come over or not?" He says, his voice rising. Usually, I'd get mad if he got an attitude with me but I didn't this time. I understand that he's mad.

"Um, give me a minute." I thought about it. I could just put Lou and Theo in the room and talk with Nick in the living room. "Yeah. Come on."

He sighs. "Thank you Cal. I'll be there in a minute." He says, hanging up. I put the phone back in my pocket and I pick Theo up bridal style. He keeps snoring, head titling back as I lifted both of us off of the couch. He didn't weigh very much and I was strong so it wasn't too hard.

Lou lifts his head, watching. I walk to the bedroom and open the door quietly. I lay him on the bed, pulling back the covers and tucking him in. God, he's so beautiful. I'm very lucky to have won him over. I tuck his hair out of his face and I lean down and kiss him gently on his forehead. He moves slightly but starts snoring again.

I tuck him in more and make sure he's settled and I leave. A few minutes later, my phone buzzes and I pull it out again. It was a text from Nick telling me to come outside.

Should I? I don't want to leave Theo here alone but then again Lou is here and he's a pretty good guard dog.

I slip on my shoes and I put on my jacket. Lou watches me as I get dressed. I didn't completely change my outfit, I just threw some things on.

I leaned down and kissed Lou on the head. "Watch after him for me, k baby?" I shut the door and make my way down, taking the stairs.

When I open the door to get outside, I see Nick's car but not him. I looked around. He was sitting on the bench, cigarette held between his fingers, cloud of smoke surrounding him.

He never smoked. Why is he smoking? I felt a strong urge to grab that cigarette and smash it under my shoe. I walk over to him, eyes narrowed.

"What the hell, Nick? What are you doing?" He stands up and flicks the ashes down at the ground.

"What does it look like?" He says matter of factly.

I take a step closer. "Exactly. Why are you smoking?" My voice was low but I know he could tell I was mad.

"Because I can. You're not my fucking mom." He mumbles, taking another puff. I've never smoked in my life and I don't plan to start anytime soon either.

"Wow okay. Well go ahead and leave if you're going to act like this." I say, stuffing my hands into my jacket pockets and turning around. He grabs my arm and turns me back around.

He flicks the cigarette to the ground and stomps on it. His eyes drift back up to mine and he takes his hand off of my arm. "Stay." He shivers slightly but sits down.

I sit beside him. "When did you start smoking?" I ask, my anger fading away.

He shrugs. "That's not what I wanted to talk about." He puts his elbows on his knees and he rests his chin on his hands.

"Well that's what we're going to start off with." I say, not caring.

He glares at me but answers. "Yesterday I think. I'm not sure." He shrugs again.


"Because....I don't know. I just did. It actually helps a lot."

"Well, don't start because I don't like smokers." I didn't want it to seem as if I was trying to control him but I was being truthful. Smoking reminds me of my father. And I don't like to think about him.

"Whatever." He shrugs yet again.

"Nick I'm serious. If you start...."

"Then what? You're gonna quit talking to me?" He stands up and he blocks my view.

I look up at him but not before noticing his hands clenched at his sides. "I didn't say that. I just said that I don't like smokers." Now I shrugged.

"Well I don't care. You can't control me. I can't be controlled." He trembled. I don't know if it's from the cold or from anger. I stand up slowly, meeting his eyes.

"I didn't....."

"Not again! I'm done with your bullshit. You can't control me. I'm a man and I can do what I want!" He shoves me back, his eyes filled with fire.

"Nick...." I pick myself back up. I reach out for him but he shoves me again.

"You can't bully me anymore! You aren't allowed to lay a hand on me ever again! I'll kill you! I swear I will!" He grips my shirt, shaking me. I just stand there, not knowing what to do.

I'm not good with words. "I'm not your dad, Nick. It's your best friend." I mumble, grabbing his wrists. He leans forward and he puts his forehead on my chest.

"I'm sorry. I just don't know what to do, Cal. If it happens again...." I understand what he was hinting at now. He's afraid that this relationship between his mom and her boyfriend will end the same as the last.

"Come inside Nick. It's freezing out here." I say, prying his hands away from my shirt. He releases me and he steps back. I notice now that he was crying. It takes a lot for Nick to cry. I ruffle his hair, unsure of how to comfort him.

He nods his head. "I think that's a good idea." I lead him inside, take the elevator up to the apartment.


My Roommate, The Fukboi (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now