The beginning of the truth

ابدأ من البداية

And Luke who was fighting was by papyrus from behind, he didn't even have time to act.

   And Luke who was fighting was by papyrus from behind, he didn't even have time to act

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I felt like giving that brat a piece of my mind- wait brat. That Chara person was talking like she was doing everything and her eyes are the same as frisks during our fight-

 That Chara person was talking like she was doing everything and her eyes are the same as frisks during our fight-

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I'm starting to get the feeling everything I knew about this kid was false.

Chara turned and started walking away. When chara made her first step frisk spoke.

"Chara we don't have to do this, we can- AH!!!"

As frisk spoke she grabbed charas sweater sleeve but the instant her hand grabbed it chara noticed and turned quickly to where frisks hand was with wide open eyes. She looked furious and insane and when I thought she'd grab it and pull off or jerk to get free of frisks grasp she instead turned to frisk quickly and slapped her or more like smack slapped her across the face and frisk fell. It made me flinch and feel uneasy.

"KnOw YoUr PlAcE YoU PaThEtIc HuMaN. YoU ShOuLd KnOw ThAt ThAnKs To ThE oThEr HuMaNs BuT I gUeSs BeCaUsE YoUr DoWn HeRe YoU tHiNk ThAt RuLe DoEsN't ApPlY wHeN aRoUnD aNoThEr HuMaN BuT GuEsS wHaT i WiLl TeAcH YoU tO StAy In YoUr PlAcE BuT nOt NoW i HaVe A sKeLaToN To KiLl!!" Chara yelled with a demonic voice. Her face was now melted with no eyes where they were and her mouth was open showing a black abyss just like her eyes except there were red dots probably representing her irises in them.

    It made me shiver and chara walked towards a light at the end of the room and disappeared leaving frisk there crying, terrified, weak, shivering, placing her hand where the hand print was

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

It made me shiver and chara walked towards a light at the end of the room and disappeared leaving frisk there crying, terrified, weak, shivering, placing her hand where the hand print was.... and alone.

I decided it was time to get some answers and figure out what's going on in this whole mess.

(Frisks P.O.V.)

I hate my life. Nothing ever goes the way I want it to. All I wanted was to have friends, a nice family and well nice people but all I get is kids who make fun of me, parents who hate me, and people who shun me. And the first chance I was given to have a chance to start over and get what I so desperately wanted and actually started getting it but then chara came to took the chance away she even killed the monsters I already befriended I felt so alone.

Killing Toriel it felt like I was killing my own mother well the one that actually cares, killing undyne I felt like I was killing my self because she just wanted to be accepted, killing Papyrus I knew he was bad and all but I felt like I killed a true friend, someone who maybe at one time could have been like a little brother, killing Mettaton I felt like I was killing a bf or gossip friend that I could of had lots of fun with, now Ganz is going to die and there's nothing I can do about it and I feel like the only person that can understand my pain, who I could really bond with will die without even having the chance to recover from his depression. I'm truly going to be alone.

    I continued weeping because of the truth that I am pathetic. Then suddenly I felt a bone hand on my shoulder.

    I quickly turned with fear that I was going to get hurt again because that's basically all that happens now when I come in contact with someone but it turned out to be Ganz.

    I was so surprised by his presence that I asked him,

   "What are you doing here, how are you here, and how much did you hear?!?!?!"
    "Woah woah take a chill pill bill, ok to answer your questions: 1 I came here to get some answers, 2 I found this big red door, and 3 I pretty much heard your whole conversation with that Chara kid."
     "Ok so what do you want to know ?" I said starting to feel better but more like cry less.

      "Well I want to know things like why charas acting like she's been doing everything, and well new question.... why did you come down to the underground or what was your life up on the surface like or something?"

       Hearing that told me that it was time to tell my story. So I said,

     "Ok well to answer your first question, Chara acts like that because well she did basically do it all- I mean the killing and stuff because well she's using my body to do it"
"And my second question?" He said
"For that one your gonna have to take a seat and get comfy because this is gonna take a little while."
"Ok" he sat crossed legged ready for my story.

"Alright now lets start off with how my life on the surface basically was... it was..........

Alright I finally got this posted sorry for being so late, I was basically working on it each day but my mom was sick and school so I couldn't find the time to relax and write but I finally did which is good so the next chapter will be on frisks life on the surface now be ready to be triggered if you are because well that last word was I guess a foreshadow and if you have any questions just comment and I'll make a chapter to answer them and if their questions the story will answer itself then I'll message you on the answer
Till next time in this case:

She never had a choice GZtale (sans x frisk)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن