Ara Black,The Daughter Of PadFoot

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I am only saying this once. This was written a while ago, the spelling is awful, the story is a mess, and it's not edited. I see my mistakes, don't comment on them on every chapter. 

Thank you. 

~ LoveDoesHurt~ 

"Sirius Orion Black, don't you dare walk out this door"Diana begged her husband"Don't you dare risk your life for this- that Rat!"

Sirius let out a low growl that emanated from his chest"He got Lily and James killed"That was enough reason, the only one he needed.

"Lily was like my sister, Sirius. I am upset, I am furious, but you can't do this. We have a daughter now, you can't just run off anymore"Diana cried out"It could be a trap, he could get you killed, something horrible could happen!"

Sirus wrapped his large arms around his distraught wife"I'll be fine, my beautiful FurryClaw"He smiled down at her as she laughed snottily into his chest"I'll kill him and be back by bedtime. I'm going it for Harry"

Diana found the strength to push him away, but still kept him close"Revenge is such a petty thing, he'll get what's coming to him"

"By my hands"Sirus promised

Diana looked up into the steel eyes she had come to love, and found only love in them"I can't talk you out of this, can I?"

"No"He kissed his forehead"I'm doing this"He walked up to his daughter, who was sitting in her highchair. Happily babbling, totally unknown to the horror's about to unfold

"I will be right back, Ara"Sirus bent down and kissed her dark head of hair"Can you be good for Mommy?"

"Pwad'oot"She bellowed 

Diana sighed with a fond smile, she was Sirius's daughter. No doubt about that.

"Yes"Sirius lifted her up and rested the toddler against him"I'm Padfoot, and that's FurryClaw"He praised and rested another kiss on his bouncing daughter's head and handed her off to Diana"I'll be back before you know it"He winked to his wife and with a swift movement of his hand and a loud noise, he was gone.

Ara let out a whimper, Diana rocked her back and forth while humming. Her eyes glued to the spot her husband once was.

"Sh, My sweet. Daddy will be back soon"She wasn't assuring her daughter anymore, she was assuring herself.

Ara Black,The Daughter Of PadFootWhere stories live. Discover now