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So I guess I'm still an outsider at this school after all... when I came back to lunch Grayson's friends had all surrounded him. The cafeteria is filled with noise and laughter and mouths chewing food and talking at the same time. I turn around and leave again. It's awkward around all of Grayson's friends. I met them when I first arrived this morning and they all kind of just stared at me and whispered to one another unless they were actually talking with Gray. They probably think I'm a freak that's leached on to Gray and won't let go and Gray, being the prince he is, is just going along with me. I definitely hope that's not the case... I go back to the bathroom only some guy is in there so I leave and head to the library. They get long lunches here... I sit in the library, staring out the window at those outside on campus for lunch... luckies. Most are the "cool" jocks and preppy cheer leaders or their dumb girlfriends. I stay in the library all lunch hour and when the bell rings I'm off to language. Two more classes after this and then I'm home free. Language is a complete bore. We're reading the scarlet letter... yuck! After language I head to economics. Still no sign of Gray. When last hour rolls around I search the halls, almost becoming late to class but I still don't find Gray. My heart sinks further and further until finally the last bell of the day rings. I shuffle slowly to my locker and grab my bag, filling it with my books and homework that I probably won't do... I had good grades at my old school but this school is more advanced and highly regarded by colleges in the area. Shutting my locker I see Kyle once more. "You've got to stop hiding behind my locker. It's creepy you know." I state. Kyle laughs. "Sorry it's just I'm really interested in you. We don't get much new kids here. Especially ones from our enemy school east high. What's it like over there? Do you like this place better??" I shrug. "I miss my friends and familiarity. Otherwise I love the food and the space you have." I state honestly. He nods. "I suppose that's natural to feel. Where's Grayson? He is your boyfriend isn't he? Isn't he walking home with you?" Kyle asks. I shrug as I look around quickly. I don't see Grayson. "I haven't seen him since lunch." Kyle nods. "I saw what happened. You got up to go to the bathroom and his entire friend group swarmed him. They had lots of gossip about you and wanted to know why you two were dating in the first place. Grayson answered the questions calmly. Even when boys asked if the relationship was serious or if they could steal you from him." This surprises me. Grayson stayed calm even through that? Maybe.. maybe we are drifting apart? Maybe it's the fact we don't know anything about each other... maybe we're not meant to be together. I sigh. "Whatever. I'm only new so it's natural right?" Kyle shrugs. "I guess so.." suddenly I finally see Grayson. I light up. Thank the lord. I need to apologize! I start to head toward him when I see a girl next to him. I slow down. What's going on? The girl is clinging to his arm and sticking very close to him. He laughs as he speaks, she giggles and I feel as though they are flirting. My boyfriend is flirting with another person. My heart stops pounding. "Noah?" Kyle asks. I can't tear my eyes away. Suddenly the girl leans up and kisses Gray smack on the mouth. I can't look any longer. I turn around and see Kyle frowning. "She's... well I mean they do have a history together... want to walk home together? I feel as though I shouldn't be leaving you alone after that." I shake my head. "It's fine. I'm fine. Thanks for the offer but one cheating man is enough for me." I go to walk away when Kyle stops me. He grabs my chin gently and for a minute I almost am reminded of Grayson. "Noah I..." before anymore words come out of his mouth Grayson is at my side. "Hey I told you he's mine!" Gray was full out pissed. I only frowned. He had the guts to claim me and push other guys away even though he just kissed someone that's not me?? I look over at Kyle and he gives me a wink. Huh? He did that on purpose? For what? Suddenly it clicks. He made Grayson jealous because he was cheating on me. "Alright alright. See you around Noah." Kyle then walks away. Grayson is beyond pissed by now. He grabs my arm and drags me outside. We start to walk home. I'm going to my new apartment instead of Grayson's house. Grayson deserved what he got. He hurt me so Kyle got even for me. "Are you mad?" Even though it's a dumb question I still ask it. He sighs. "No.." liar. "He was only helping me out." I explain. Grayson looks at me and just roars. "What?! Helping you?!! Noah he was seducing you!!" He shouts. I look forward and smile. "No... he wasn't... he was helping me. He's not a bad person..." Gray looks away from me too, his face boiling with anger. "You know that's the same way I seduced you!" I sigh. I know that idiot! "Grayson it was because I saw you kissing another person." I state loud and clear. He stops. "You what?!" I stop walking too. So he's going to deny it?!! "I SAW YOU AND THAT GIRL!!" I shout, squeezing my eyes shut to hopefully stop the tears. "Noah... That girl has been trying to get me to date her since middle school. She got jealous of you. She kissed me. Look I'm sorry you saw that but it's the truth. Noah I can only ever love you. No one else." I let my tears fall. This is why I love him!

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