Big news!!

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When my alarm goes off I'm too tired to turn it off. "Sweetheart time to wake up." My mother's voice sounds throughout my house. "Mmm..." I groan slightly and then remember last night and Grayson. Shit! I bolt up only to notice Grayson is gone. What? He left so early? Boo... I wanted to at least have the trouble of sneaking him out past my mother... I want to be a real teenager too sometimes... oh well... I shut off my alarm and take in the mess my room had become. Blankets and clothes every where. I blush. So... that really did happen last night.... I had sex... I giggle and go to stand up only
I'm crashing to the floor in pain the minute I go to stand up. Damn my hips and back are killing me!!! Is it from Grayson? It must be... looking over at my night stand I see a couple of pain reliever pills and a glass of water with a note. It's from Grayson. I take the pills and read the note.

Note: Dear Noah, last night was extremely amazing while I don't normally leave in the morning I figured your mother wouldn't like it too much if she walked in on her son sleeping with a strange guy in his room. Both of us naked... anyways. I left my number down below. Let's definitely get to know each other even more.
Your lover, Grayson.

I blush full out. M-my lover?! Ahhh! No one hardly calls people lovers anymore!! How embarrassing! Still.. it's not like he left me high dry. He obviously doesn't just want me for sex. He told he loved me how many times last night? And he gave me his phone number! I smile. Maybe Grayson is the guy for me! Getting up I manage to get dress and clean up my room a bit. Coming downstairs I see my mother making breakfast. Isn't she going to be late to work?? "Don't you have to get going?" I question. She turns around and half frowns. "I lost both my jobs. I'm so sorry honey... the diner shut down this morning and my other job just up and left... I think the cops were getting suspicious." My heart stops! What?! "This is terrible!" I exclaim. She nods. "And we have to move. I can't afford this house any longer. We're moving to the west side of town. Which means you'll be going to west high as well." That's not so bad... I won't have to se Liam that way! And didn't Grayson say that's where he goes? "That's fine. I'm completely fine with that. I just want to know if you're alright?" She nods. "I am. I promise. I just feel horrible doing this to you!" I shake my head and hug my mother. "No don't feel bad! I'm seriously okay with this. As long as we can stick together that's what matters." She nods and hugs me. "Alright. Well you'll finish this week of school and then we have to be out of this place. Hopefully I can find a place soon enough." I smile and kiss her. "I'll help you look. I have to get going. I need to talk to Marie about this stuff." My mother nods in understanding and I give her one last hug before heading out. Honestly I'm sad to say goodbye to this house but I'm glad I'll be in the same school as Grayson now and I won't have to be around Liam all the time. It's definitely a major plus! Taking out the note Grayson left for me I quickly add his number to my phone and then text Marie.

Me- Hey I have huge news to tell you!!

I get to school and put my stuff away in my locker. I'm on the look out for Marie when someone else shows up. "Noah!" Its Liam. I walk away. "Leave me alone!" I state. He sighs. "Noah please just listen to me! I never meant it that way! You have to believe me! I... I... i-" he's suddenly cut off as I run up to Marie. She smiles at me and glared at Liam. "What was he doing just now? Begging you to take him back?" I sigh and nod. She rolls her eyes. "Pathetic. Anyways what's your big news?!" I blush. Should I really tell her? She is my best friend. And Grayson is friends with her which is how I met him. So yes I definitely need to tell her!! "Me and Grayson slept together last night!" Her mouth drops. "What?! Queen bee of innocence?! You? You Noah Young have just had sex with another man?!" I blush and cover her mouth. "Shhh! Don't be so loud!" I look around nervously but I can't help the jitters I feel. It is strange to think about. I always scold Marie when she has sex with her boyfriends yet I've just had sex myself! And boy was it freaking amazing! "Well?!!! How was it? What happened? I need all the details!!" I giggled. "Okay okay! So he walked me home and everything and said his parents were fighting and he wanted to stay at my place. I agreed only because I sort of maybe liked him and well I showed him my room and when I came back from my shower he was teasing me by sleeping in nothing but his underwear on my bed! So I tried waking him up only I found out he was playing with me and he pulled me down onto him and so I got mad and pushed him away and then he confessed to me and well... I just lost myself!" Marie was speechless. She blinks ones and lets her jaw reconnect to her head before she speaks. "And the sex?! How was the sex!!!" I rolled my eyes but truth was I was dying to tell someone about it! Strange right? "It was so good! I never knew it could be like that! He's such an amazing kisser too! I was completely delirious after each kiss!" She giggles and slings her arm around me. "My my aren't you a little sex vixen." I blush. "That's what Grayson told me too... do I really get that worked up?" She laughed and we walked to class. Oh I haven't told her the bigger news yet!! "Oh by the way my mom lost her jobs so we're moving. Guess where to." Marie stops and stares at me. "Moving?! Where?" I blush and giggle, looking down at my feet. "West high..." she squeals like a little girl on Christmas who just opened her most wanted present. "No freaking way!!!!!!"

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