Secret crush

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"Mom?" I approach her she looks up from her knife and stops cutting the potatoes. "What's the matter sweetie?" She asked. I sighed. It was 4:30 and my mom just got home and I still had yet to tell her about the party on Friday. "Well I was invited to a party next Friday." I started. She perked up. "Really? Where? Who? When? Is this an appropriate? Will there be beer or alcohol involved?" She poured out the questions. I sighed. "No mom. It's.. Well I don't know. Do you remember Liam Harris?" I looked up, a light tiny on my cheeks. My mom came over to me. "Yeah... He's the one you have a crush on right?" She asked. I blushed more. "Yeah well... He invited me to his party and he's personally picking me up at around 5:30. He kind of just broke up with his girlfriend and so... Can I go?" I asked. She smiled and grabbed my face, planting a smothering kiss on my cheek. "Of course! Just be responsible!! If you dare get into anything that's wrong I'll ground you for the rest of your life! Understand?" She pulled away and smiled at me. I nodded. Phew. I thought she'd be more skeptical! "Yeah... Well anyways. I'm going upstairs for a while. I checked out a new book at the library today." She nodded and let me go. I ran upstairs and jumped on to my bed. Sighed I rolled into my back and stared at the ceiling. What am I going to do?! I've never been to those kinds of parties! I mean especially with Liam! What should I wear?! He said casual but... Ugh I don't know!!! Grrr! Sudd let my phone buzzed. It was Marie. I opened it up and read it.

M-Marie, Me- Me

M- omg guess what!! I was just walking home from my boyfriends place and saw Liam walking with some people. He's walking your way!! Omg you should go sit in your porch and be like woah hi Liam! He's totally gonna walk by your house!

I blushed and rolled my eyes.

Me- and why wouldn't do that? Besides I don't think he'd like it if I creepily eat on my porch and greeted him as he walked by with his friends.

M- oh come on! You have to remind him of you every once in a while to make sure he stays single enough for you to make him yours 😏😎

Me- your a freak and I don't know why we're friends? Fine what's my reason to go outside?

Whatever I'll play along with her fanatic ways. They'll probably go somewhere else and by even pass by here.

M- Yay!!! Okay um... Pretend you like to read outside! I mean it's still light enough it's only like 5 o'clock.

Me-whatever fine, they probably won't even come by here...

M- Don't whatever me just do it! 😘

Me- what.ever! 😆

Grabbing a random book I had already read I walked downstairs and told my mom I was going outside in the porch. Sitting in our bench swing I opened my book and started reading a random page. "Dude we should go to a syrup club soon! Since your free of that chick now!" I heard a voice. My heart starts to pound and my stomach twisted. He actually came this way!!! I looked up and saw three were a ways down the sidewalk. I can still abort the mission!! "Honey taste this!" Suddenly my mom came out and held a spoonful of sauce. "I used a new flavor in for the potatoes." She explained sticking it in my mouth. Ooh it's good! "Ooh I like it." She smiled and got closer to me. "You haven't read outside for a long time." She commented. I blushed. Does she know? She then smirked and raised her hands. "Reminds me of when you were little!" She then tackled me and started tickling my ribs. "Mom! Hahahahahaha! No stop! Hahahaha stop!" I shouted for her to stop but she kept tickling me. I leaned back and she came forward. Laughing so hard I could barely breath I tried to push her away. "Mom stop it! Gahahahahaha!" I squeezed my eyes shut. Oh my god it tickles soooo much!!!!!! "Mom!!" I finally escaped her clutches. She laughed. "Oh come on!" She pouted. I laughed and turned just right to catch a glimpse of someone standing in front of the house. Turning fully I saw it was Liam and his friends. My face grew extremely hot. Oh crap! Not good!!! I'm soooo embarrassed now! I gulped. "Oh..." My mom was the first to break the silence. "Excuse me, can I help you?" She asked walked toward the steps of the porch. Liam looked away from me and turned to my mom. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm Liam Harris and these are a few of my friends. I'm friends with your son." He introduced himself. My mom shot me a glance and I looked at the porch. How embarrassing! Mom smiled and shook Liam's hand. "So you invited my son to a party on Friday?" She started. Oh god no! "Mom!" I warned. She laughed. "I just want to make sure he's going to be well taken care of. He can't have any drugs or alcohol. I don't need him to become corrupted. He's already perfect." She looked back at me and smiled. I hugged and shook my head and looked away from her. Great now I'm a double loser! Liam chuckled. "I promise to take very good care of him ma'am. I'll keep my eye on him." He glanced at me and we locked eyes for a second before he looked away again. I blushed more. "Alright if you promise then I'll hold you responsible. Have you had dinner yet?" She asked. Liam shook his head but intervened. "Mom he's with his friends right now." I reminded her. She looked back at me. "Oh right. Sorry. I'll leave you two to talk." She turned away and winked at me, making my face flush even more. Stahp!!!! I looked back to Liam. "Sorry she's kind of strange... You know very... Over protective of me..." I muttered. "Yeah I can see..." Oh great how embarrassing! I'm so awkward! "U-uh well... Good night." I went to turn around when I heard one of Liam's friends mutter something. "Dude he's fucking adorable!" I blushed harder. "Hey Noah wait!" Liam ran up the steps and grabbed my hand. Burning with heat I turned around to face him, completely surprised. "Uh... I'll see you at the party then?" He asked. I blushed more and nodded. "Uh yeah..." Oh god what do I say?! He's holding my hand!!! Somebody help in freaking out! I love him! I love him so much it hurts!

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