The reason why

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Our walk puts me at ease and we end up at a park bench. It's quiet between us. Grayson won't ask about Liam. Although he knows how I've come to hate Liam he doesn't know why I even had a crush on him. "Hey Grayson..." he looks away from the playing kids and back towards me. "Yes?" He asks. I lay my head on his shoulder. "Why did you pick me? I mean there are tons of girls to choose from yet you picked me to be your one and only.... how come?" He sighs. "I figured this question would come sooner or later..." I look up at him. "So answer it." I state. He laughs. "I guess it's because I simply liked you. I was immediately drawn to you and it killed me to see you so hurt by someone. It made me want to protect you and to see all your faces. I want to know you more and see who you are. I want to fall deep in love with you and make you fall in love with me. I want to make you happy. Sappy enough for you??" He smiles. I blush. "Wow..." what do I say to him? After he just spilled his guts about why he likes me?! "How did you feel this morning? I hope I wasn't too rough on you." I blush. "N-no... how... h-how come you know how to... you know..." he laughed. "I wasn't always a Prince Charming..." huh? You mean he wasn't always this amazing? But he is now... I sit up and swing my legs over his, sitting on his lap. "But you are now..." I say. He grabs my waist, looking up at me. "You're so cute!" I blush. "Guys aren't suppose to be cute!" I pout. He chuckles and I feel his hands slide up my sides. I shiver. I like the way it feels when he touches me. "Noah..." his whispering blends in with the setting sun. It's getting dark around us. I lean forward, placing my forehead against his. Our breathing mingles. "Grayson... you are the first person I've ever been so comfortable around... I never want to stop being around you..." I admit. Grayson locks his eyes with mine. "I'm glad. Really glad..." he moves in for the kiss. I press my finger on to his advancing lips. He looks at me, confused. "What's the matter?" He asks. I place my hands on his amazing broad chest, roaming it. If we kissed I would more than likely become that sexual demon I was last night... "walk me home..." he smiles. "Of course." I get off of him and he stands up. We walk to my house although I have no idea where we are. "My house is near here. Mind if I take a quick visit?" I shook my head. Honestly I wanted to see his house. "Now I can see your house! Since you've already got to see mine!" He laughs. "You know your bed is small? I could hardly fit on there with you." I blush. We often refer to last night but was it really okay? Did he really like it? Was I good? "Grayson was I good?" I blurt out. He stops and stares at me, shocked. I feel my face slowly heat up. Why did I ask that?!!!! I'm so stupid! Grayson starts laughing. What? Does that mean I was bad?! "D-don't laugh at me!!" I panic. He tries to stop laughing. "I'm-I'm sorry it's just-" he laughs some more. My face heats up even more and I punch his arm. "Stop!!" I command. He finally is able to stop. "I'm sorry it's just that was way too cute!" I glare at him. That's why he's laughing?! "Grayson!" I whine. He sighs happily and brushes hair from my face. What's he doing now? "I'm sorry. Forgive me?" I smirk. Oh I'll make this dude pay! I step closer to Grayson and place his hands on my hips. "I might forgive you if you do something for me...." I drape my arms on his shoulders. "Oh? And what will I be doing?" I giggle. This is so fun! Where is this boldness coming from? I don't care it's thrilling!! "Maybe you can.. I don't know... kiss me??" Grayson laughs. "Oh I can definitely do that." He leans down and our lips are touching. Fireworks explode and I'm kissing back with just as much force. How can just one of his kisses do that to me? It's crazy and amazing at the same time. "What the hell!" I'm suddenly yanked away. What?!! I open my eyes to see Liam. Not again!! I stand up as he had pushed me down while yanking me away. Grayson glared at Liam. "Hey what the hell?! Can't you see we're busy?" Grayson was pissed and so was Liam. I scrambled over to Grayson. "Why are you hooking up with a loser like him from west side?!!" Liam shouts. This pisses me off. "He's not some loser! He's more than that! He's my boyfriend! I don't understand why you're so upset by that! It's not like we were ever together! Besides that you gave permission for some guy to use my body even though I thought we had become friends! If you understand that then get the fuck away from me!!" I hug Grayson possessively. "Lets go Grayson." And thats when we walk away. We hurry over to Grayson's house. Once we get there Grayson lets me inside. No one is home. I take in the room. It's dark inside and it looks lavish. Black leather couches, white fluffy carpet. It's all amazing. "Wow your house is gorgeous!" I exclaim. Grayson comes up behind me. When did he get behind me?! "Thanks... this is my dad's pad... my mom lives with my sisters in an apartment building." Oh he has sisters? "Sisters? How many?" Grayson's hands find my waist and hug it. This action causes me to press against his front with my back. Ah! This position. "Can we pick up where we left off? I hate being interrupted." What's he mean? The kiss? I turn around, wrapping my arms around his neck. I think it would be nice... to forget that scene with Liam. "Okay... but just a kiss okay?" He nods. "Okay." And with that we were kissing. Mmm I love his kisses! I don't even know why but Grayson has a natural draw about him. I feel so at ease and comfortable around him. Perhaps it's because we had sex and he told me he loved me. I don't care though because I think I truly love Grayson. Maybe I should tell him that... I want him to know these feelings I have. I've told him that I like him but love and like are very different. "Grayson I love you..."

Crushing on Mr. PopularOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora