My day off

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I wake up to find I'm in a strange house. What happened yesterday? I think back. After school me and Grayson hung out and we ended up coming back to his house. That's right!! We were out walking and having a nice moment when Liam intervened. We are to Grayson's house after that.. After I told him I loved him we ended up having sex again! I blush and roll over in the bed, looking for Grayson. He isn't there. Where's he at? I sit up and discover my body is completely naked. Ah! I catch a glimpse of myself in his body length mirror. I stand up, my entire naked body showing. I tiptoe to the mirror and examine myself. I had a few hickeys decorating my chest and one on my thigh. Geez Grayson really likes to give me those... I blush. I'm skinny, pale and hardly good looking. What in the world is Grayson thinking dating me? I wrap a soft blanket around myself and look around. This is Grayson's room right? I look back at the bed. It's a mess. We have had sex both times we've been together. My body doesn't hurt as bad as it did the first time though... finding a shirt on the floor I put it on. It's better than nothing. It must be Grayson's because it's big on me. Walking downstairs I call out. "Grayson?" I look around but I don't find him. I smell something cooking in the kitchen. I walk toward the smell and find Grayson clothed and cooking breakfast. I smile and run up to him. "Morning!" I cheer. He turns around just as I engulf him in a hug. He chuckles and hugs me back. "Well good morning. Always this cheery in the morning?" I smile up at him. "No just when we have sex!" He laughs. "Is that so?" I nod. "Yep! Although I don't understand why..." Gray laughs. "Sorry. I know you didn't want to do it last night but after you confessed so cutely I couldn't stop myself." I blush. "Whatcha making anyways?" I ask, peering into the the skillet. It's an omelet. Yum!! Gray kisses my neck and I giggle. What can I say I'm ticklish. "Can I call you Gray? Or like GrayBae? I want a nickname. I think it'll be cute!" I say. Gray laughs. "Whatever suits you I guess." I smile. "Perfect. GrayBae it is!" He laughs again. I turn around and hug him loosely. "What time is it anyways?" I ask. Gray looks at his watch. I didn't know he wore one. "9:34 my dear." Oh so I'm late to school?! "Why didn't you wake me up earlier? Now I'm late to school!" I complain. Gray smirks. "I figured I'd let you rest up after everything." I smile. So thoughtful... "is that so?" I sneakily turn off the stove burner as so the egg will not burn. Gray grabs my waist and lifts me up. He places me on top of the counter. I giggle. We're like a real married couple already! Gray touches my bare thighs, leaning down and kissing them. I moan. Ah it feels good when he touches me. "I love you Noah.." I smile. "I love you too..." after our little... play time in the kitchen •////• me and Gray decide to clean up and eat breakfast. I bite into the delicious omelet and moan. "So good! I'm so glad you can cook! I can't cook to save my life!" I exclaim. Gray laughs. "I'm glad you like it." I smile happily and take another bite. Didn't Gray say this was his fathers house? When does he get back from work? Did he see me and Gray having sex?! Oh gosh and we just did it on the kitchen counter too! I stop eating and sigh. How shameful of me... not caring about others and only being selfish. "What's wrong?" Gray asks. I look up at him. "Didn't you say this was your dad's house?" He nods. I groan. "Won't he be mad? I mean we did just do something unsanitary on his counter." Gray swallows his food and smiles at me. "Hey don't worry about it. He's never ever home. Why do you think I cook for myself? And besides I'll clean it. Don't sweat it. I'm the one who did it to you." I blush. That's true... "can I ask why he doesn't come around often?" I ask shyly. I don't want to pry too much. I might accidentally open a can of worms I'm not suppose to and get GrayBae mad at me! "Well he works a bunch. Always on work trips... at least that's what he tells my mother. I don't believe it though. He's definitely got a couple of different girls he spends time with every week. That's partly why they divorced... that night when we first met my father had come over for a family dinner with us kids and things ended horribly. Which is why I asked to stay with you that night. Sorry I'm probably depressing you." I shake my head and stand up, running over to him I sit on his lap and wrap his arms around me. "No! I like listening to you talk. I get to know more about you and hear your voice as well!" I exclaim, trying my best to encourage him to continue. I want him to trust me with his problems too! He chuckles. "That's why I'm so madly in love with you... you care for others so much... can I just lock you up and keep you with me forever?" He asked rhetorically. I answer anyways. "Metaphorically yes. I'm all yours!" We both laugh. "We should probably clean ourselves up and get dressed." Gray suggests, standing up and cleaning up breakfast. I give a half frown. I wanted to cuddle some more... oh well we have the whole day together! "I suppose you're right." I pick up my plate and walk into the kitchen and place it in the sink. "Dishwasher please." Gray redirects me. Oh right. He probably doesn't want to do dishes. I rinse my plate off and stick it in the dishwasher. "Can I go shower first?" I ask, turning around to face Gray. He looks up from the sink as he washes the skillet and nods. "Sure. It's right across the hall from my room. You can use anything in it. It's my shower since I'm the only one living with my dad." So Gray choose to live with his dad instead of his mom? I wonder why? Gray seems to dislike his dad... "thanks." I walk away and find the shower. I want to know everything I can about Gray however I feel as though he avoids topics about himself as much as possible... hmm... what's he hiding? I must find out!

Crushing on Mr. PopularOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora