Ch. 8: New Land

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"My back hurts," The shrill whine I was beginning to recognize as only Pearl's reached across the space as she stepped out of her car, bringing back to the present. "I need a hot bath and a massage. Stupid, uncomfortable seats. My daddy would never have such an awful car." The group she created twittered around her, one girl actually rubbing the sore spot in an attempt to make it better. Pearl let her, plump lips puckered in a fake pout. "How long is this going to take?"

The whole thing was bizarre and it was impossible not to look on in wonder that the girls that willingly let themselves become servants to such a self-centered person. She may have had a lot of influence in the outside world, though honestly, I couldn't tell you how, none of that mattered here. We were here to recreate ourselves and let go of the past. She held onto it like a crutch, indicating under all her bravo was a well of insecurity she didn't want to face.

"That girl could drive a saint to sin." One of my car mates climbed out, giving Pearl a nasty sneer as she found a place next to me, shaking her thick curls back and forth in reproach.

There hadn't been much conversation on the ride over, all of us absorbed in our thoughts. Kali had been absorbed with the view, explaining she had never had a chance to leave her hometown when I asked. Despite that, she could easily name any tree we passed and even speculated on the mountains in the background. Right now she firmly thought they were the Eagle Cap mountains in Oregon. She'd listed the reason why the science was a little over my head. As interesting as all of it was, it was nice to have someone else offer up something to say. Especially on a topic I wholeheartedly agreed on.

I couldn't help but chuckle, earning me a curious side look. "You agreeing, hon?"

It wasn't said meanly and I felt safe enough to answer. "She's something else all right."

The girl turned to face me fully, hazel eyes taking me in from head to toe. Warm tones of amber, highlighted by chocolate notes, studied me like I was a hard-to-solve math problem. Normally such an action would make me uncomfortable, scrutiny used to find flaws and I was over having my imperfections pointed out. However, with her, it didn't feel judgmental. It felt more like she was trying to get the bigger picture, connect all the dots.

"I like you." The sudden declaration had me reeling, my mouth popping open in stunned surprise. "I was worried everyone here would be like tweedle dum over there. Glad to see they're in the minority. Name's Claire."

"Eden." I hitched a thumb in Kali's direction, introducing her as well. She was busy taking in the scenery so she didn't notice. "I don't think anyone could be like her if they tried. I haven't talked to a lot of people but most of them seem okay."

"My daddy knows a lot of vampires since he's a lawyer in New York," Pearl was bragging to a large group, most of them looking bored and irritated. We couldn't go anywhere so they were trapped, forced to put up with her. She must have gotten over her bad mood, deciding to go back to her favorite topic- herself. I could only hope our rooms were far apart because the thought of listening to her constant yammering had me ready to claw at my skin.

"One of them suggested I try being a Pet. Said I fit what they are looking for. At first, I didn't want to. You know, because of the blood and stuff, but the more I thought about it, the more I kinda liked it. I mean, vampire men are completely gorgeous." She stressed the word like we weren't already aware of the fact. Her smile then was pure, vicious delight. "And I think I can convince them to turn me. Staying young forever, getting cool powers. It's perfect."

Claire's snort was full of derision, loud enough to cut Pearl off midsentence. Her head snapped around, giving us a clear view of her angry face. The group perked up, knowing the warning signs for a fight. "Weren't you taught it is rude to interrupt someone?" A slender finger tapped her lip in a pondering motion. "Maybe not. Trash like you doesn't need manners, right?"

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