Chapter 17: Daddy Duty

Start from the beginning

Next, I go see Silas to find out what happened on their ride home. He's on the couch talking with North and Raven, going over attack and retrieval ideas for when we find this new Volto. I pull him off to the side just in case he hasn't told North about his little explosion. We both know that he wouldn't take that well.

I direct him to the guest room so that we're out of earshot from our more hearing enhanced brothers.

"Silas, what happened on the car ride home? Morgan says that you yelled at Sang?"

He sighs, rubbing his hands down his face, and he instantly looks ten years older. He's muttering in Greek, something he only does in extreme emotional situations. The crease between his eyebrows is prominent, and the frown lines around his mouth stand out. He must have been beating himself up over this.

"I didn't mean to," he says, after he collects himself. "I was just so angry that he came after the kids. And Sang was frantic. She couldn't stop talking about how he came after the children, about how he was different from when we were dealing with him in Ashley Waters. It's no wonder she was the one to figure out that they aren't the same person. She was always much more perceptive than we gave her credit for."

"Have you spoken to her since?"

Even though North is the one who has issues with people not speaking to him, we all can get a little antsy when Sang stops speaking to us.

"No," he frowns. "I haven't had the chance to apologize to her. As soon as we came home, you all surrounded us because the children were crying. Then her and Victor went to calm the kids down. And then Gabriel manages to get her out of this weird daze she was in. Right now she's talking with Kota. I haven't had the opportunity to have a moment alone with her."

"Well don't worry too much, there's still time, the day isn't over yet. Just make sure you do it today, don't let it fester. I wish I could say that she isn't angry with you for it, but with the changes she's made, I honestly don't know."

"Do you think she'll forgive me?"

"I have to believe she will. Sang's understanding, I'm sure she knows it was only because of the situation you both were in."

"I hope so."

Leaving him to his thoughts, I leave the room and head out to the balcony where Sang is still talking with Kota. When I step outside, they're both facing out towards the city and talking in low voices.

"Sang?" I call out. They both turn around at the sound of my voice. Kota's eyes shine with unshed tears and Sang's are puffy and red as if she was crying recently. "Is everything ok?"

"Everything's fine, Sean," she says to me with a small smile. "What did you need? Are the kids ok?"

"The kids are fine," I tell her. "Cole is still asleep, but Morgan is hungry."

"Shoot, that's right." She runs her hand through her hair. "We were supposed to get lunch after the park. I'll go fix something."

"Sweetie, how about we just order something?" Kota asks her.

"No, it's ok," she responds. "I need to keep busy. Sean, can you and Luke keep the kids occupied?"

"Sure, Pookie," I respond.

Her eyes narrow slightly, but she says nothing. She grips Kota's arm, placing a light kiss on his cheek before giving us both a small smile and walking back into the house.

"Is everything ok?" I ask Kota.

"Not yet," he responds. "But it's getting there."


Gabe and I are looking over all of the locations that we've spotted either Volto, going all the way back from when he first showed up at AW, when Sean walks up to us.

"Hey, Luke? Sang wants us to occupy the kids while she makes lunch."

"Is everything ok?" I ask. "She was out there with Kota for a while."

"I don't know but I think it will be. We'll make sure of it."

With that, he walks away and heads to the kids room. Gabe and I share a look before glancing over at the kitchen where Sang is busy pulling things out of the fridge and pantry. He gives me a nod before following after Sean as I walk into the kitchen to talk to Sang.

"Hey, Cupcake?"

She looks over at me, continuing what she's doing. Her eyes are rimmed red and slightly puffy. She gives me a small smile as she responds, "Hey, Luke."

"Everything ok? You need any help?"

"I really wish people would stop asking me that," she murmurs. "How about you ask Kota that huh? It's his bastard sperm donor we're after."


"I'm fine, Luke. Just...keep the kids busy, yeah? Please?"

"Sure thing, Sugar. No problem."

With another small smile, she goes back to making sandwiches and I walk out to the living room to find North. He's talking with Raven and Silas on the couch.

"Hey North, can you keep an eye on Sang?"

Raven's head pops up from their conversation.

"What is wrong with lígo skíourou (little chipmunk)?"

"I'm not sure," I tell him. "But this whole thing with Kota's dad is affecting her."

"I'll go see if I can figure out what."

I give North a nod of thanks as he gets off the couch and walks over to the kitchen, before I head in the back to the kids room. When I walk in, Cole and Gabriel are playing with his toys, and Sean is reading to Morgan.

"Ahh, look who's up," I say with a smile, walking further into the room.

"Daddy Luke!" the twins cheer, running up to me.

"Catch me, Daddy!"

Cole launches himself at me while Morgan attaches herself to my legs. The force of Cole's tackle throws off my balance, and I go crashing down into the beanbag chair behind me.

"Dog pile on Daddy!" Morgan calls out laughing.

"Tickle fight!" Cole joins in.

"Noooo, nooo," I play along, laughing as they move their tiny hands all over my stomach. "Mercy! Haha, stop, stop. You win! Ahahaha!"

"Yay!" the twins cheer as Gabe and Sean pick them up off of me. "We win, we win!"

I love seeing this look on their faces. The pure innocent joy. We've gotta put this Volto thing to rest so we can get back to making up for lost time, and doing what's important. Being a family.  

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