Chapter 25 - Payback and a Brotherly Reunion.

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* Joey's POV *

The kiss with Shane started out soft and sweet but was now turning rough and urgent on Shane's part. I was trying to meet his level of intensity because I missed him so much and I definitely wanted this but for gods sake we were in a jail cell! Was this even allowed? I got my answer, ten seconds later, whilst Shane was licking my lips and begging for entrance, came a banging on the metal of the cell door then a tired voice bark, "Break it up in there!" To which Shane I promptly pulled apart, gasping for air, when I finally realized I wasn't looking into Shane's eyes. I was looking into Sawyer's. I had been kissing Sawyer?! How come I had seen Shane?! "Sawyer?!" I screeched, standing up. I began to back away from him, nearly tripping over my feet. "Where'd Shane go?!" I demanded, the back of my thighs hitting the edge of my cot.

Sawyer snorted before leaning back against the wall nonchalantly. "Shane was never here. But I was so close to getting lucky." I didn't know what it was that set me off, the gloating in his tone or the cocky smirk that tilted up at the corners of his lips, But I snapped.

"Asshole!" I shouted, charging for him. He held up his hands in front of his face as if to block me. It didn't help much. My fists made contact with his face first, but I also packed a few punches to his chest and stomach. I wasn't typically a violent person, even if I seemed that way, so I saw that every punch was payback. I wasn't doing a bad thing, he was getting what he deserved. Each punch was a thing he screwed up for me. One for my life. Another for my second chance at life. Another for my relationship with Shane. Another for my freedom. If it wasn't for Sawyer, I wouldn't be here right now. Everything was all his fault! My fists were flying so fast and I was throwing punches so blindly, I only think Sawyer got a chance to hit me back maybe twice. Maybe it was because he was caught off guard, or maybe because he was weaker than he acted. But its not like I minded. I felt Sawyer's blood pooling between my fingers and making me sticky but I wasn't going to stop hitting him to wipe my fingers off on my shirt. Then he'd get the upper hand.

But then I felt strong hands pulling me backwards, prying me off of Sawyer.

* Sawyer's POV *

"No! I want him dead!" Joey shouted as two police officers-muscly, intimidating looking men- hooked him under his armpits and pulled him off of me. My mouth tasted of blood and I could feel where it was clotting underneath my nose but I was too stunned to do anything about it. Joey had finally fought back. I knew he was bound to snap sometime.

After the police men calmed Joey down enough for him to listen to them, they told him they were moving him to his own cell; just for a couple days. It was like he was on parole except not released from prison yet, is what they told him. After they took Joey out, they sent a woman in to "examine my wounds". I had no idea there were nurses in jail! She said my injuries weren't too bad, nothing some bandages and rubbing alcohol couldn't fix. She was awfully nice for a lady who treats people in jail. I was surprised, anyway.

Then I started thinking about Joey. I felt really bad for him. I know I didn't have to kiss him...But I couldn't resist it. I hated being the reason for all of this. I sighed, long and deep, ignoring the questioning looks the nurse was sending me. I was in jail, what did the lady expect from me?! I wasn't gonna be all sunshine and rainbows. She began to dab underneath my nose with an alcohol soaked cotton ball as she began to whistle a soft melody. It almost sounded like the one Tate whistles off of American Horror Story. I would've asked if I wasn't so lost in my thoughts.

If it wasn't for me... Joey and I would still be best friends-roommates-with golden lives. Then and there, I vowed to do whatever I could to get Joey out of here as quick as possible, even if I had to lie. About everything.

* Shane's POV *

"Shane!" Jared and Jacob cheered in harmony as they entered my room. Their cheerful expressions dulled as they took in the sight of mom holding me in her arms, rubbing my back, and cooing a soft mantra of "shh, baby" while I sniffed repeatedly and tried to control my violent crying. "Shane? Are you okay?" Jacob asked, stepping into the good big brother role naturally as if we hadn't been separated for nearly two months as he hesitantly walked further into the standard hospital room. "Mom?" I asked as I sniffed and wiped at my eyes. "Yes, honey?" She asked, releasing her tight grip on me as she sat up. "Can Jared and Jacob sit with me?" I asked and she nodded and stood. "Are you going to tell us what happened to you?" Jared asked as they both climbed onto the hospital bed. Both of them were perched at the end of my bed, sitting cross-legged, looking super similar. I'd never had time to notice how much we all looked alike in some way. It was spooky, almost.

"Of course.. if you want to know," I said, shooting them furtive glances. They both nodded, their expressions curious. I couldn't blame them, I'd be curious too. So I recounted the same story I told to my mom and Officer Wyatt and they never once interrupted me or openly showed any disgust, which I obviously appreciated. They were good brothers. "That's horrible." Jacob said when I finished as our eyes met and I instantly picked up on the sympathy displayed in his gaze. Its great to know all this time they truly cared and still do. "I'm so sorry, Shane. I hope Joey gets off with a minor offense." Jared said and I offered him a sad smile. I appreciated their words but they knew it wouldn't cheer me up, so they smothered me in a group hug; which-believe it or not-actually did cheer me up somewhat. I was just happy to be with my brothers, whom understand and accept me. It was a great feeling to be reunited with them. But even my brothers couldn't cure the constant worry I felt for Joey; I just had a bad feeling that something had happened.


Spoiler alert: Shoey in next chapter (': Sorry if this chapter is boring guys but its just one of those chapters that has to be written.

If you're reading this Author's Note, let me just say Thank You <3 AND if you Ship/Like/Know what Troyler is, maybe you'd be interested in reading Troyler fan fiction? If so, Check out my collaboration account with IamTheAdorkable1: Shoeytellers. CeCe has posted Chapter 1 to University Life, a Troyler AU, that we'll be collaborating :3 Thank you if you check it out. c:

Thanks for Reading & Voting; May the odds be ever in your favor, goodbye! c;


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