Chapter 2 - Long Beach

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Chapter 2 - Long Beach

* Joey's POV * 

"We can't keep staying in shitty motels, Joey. We gotta leave the country." I rolled my eyes. I just wanted to sleep but Sawyer was finding any way possible to keep me awake. After he...repayed me, he turned the TV up really loud so we could see our News story. I really didn't care. I shut my eyes and covered my head with a pillow, trying to block it out. Then he connected his iPod to the alarm clock/radio and started blasting random guitar solos, while trying to recreate them with his hands. Now he was complaining about the crappy motel room we'd rented at some random motel on the outskirts of Long Beach. We both knew this was one of our last robberies..

We had to flee the country. Everyone knew who we were and what we looked like...We were in a shit situation, basically. And I knew how fucked up everything was. Sawyer didn't have to remind me. 

What he didn't know was the thing that was most fucked up of all, was him. I remember how he used to be. The guy that all his friends favored over everyone else, the one everyone wished they could be like, the one everyone wished they could know....the one everyone wished they could love. But he's turned into a monster. 

No...I was wrong. Thinking about how he used to be isn't the worst. The when he acts like he used to be to get me to do something. That's the worst because everytime he does it..He'll act like old Sawyer for certain periods of time. So, if I do something he really wants..he might even be old Sawyer for a few days. And it hurts when he goes back to being all fucked up. 

"Graceffa..You really trying to sleep?" I nodded. "I'll try to keep it down.." He said in a mock-saccharine tone. I flipped him off. "Is that how we're going to be?" I groaned and rolled over to where my face was in the pillow. I'd rather die then go through this any longer. 

* Shane's POV *

I'd rather die then go through this any longer. 

"Talk back when I'm talking to you!" My dad roared, hitting me square in the jaw. Sadly, he hadn't drunk enough to keep him out for a few days. Just a night. I had to get ready to leave for school but all these new bruises I was currently acquiring would definitely be a roadblock. I usually hated school because the school bullies (Ian and Anthony and their pet apes.) beat me, too. But nothing compared to this. I'd rather die..

"Did you hear me?!" This time he hit me in my stomach. "FUCK YOU!" I shouted; overpowering anything he's ever shouted. My mom, who was watching from the stairs, gasped. In the quiet that stole over the house, I could hear my brothers begin to whisper upstairs. I was trembling, waiting for my dad to do something. He turned away from me, and shouted to my mother, "Woman, go fetch me another beer...No two. Nevermind, I want the whole case." He turned back to me, fury smoldering behind his eyes. I knew then and there that I wouldn't get a chance to end my life because my dad would do it for me. I didn't know when and I didn't know how; But I knew he hated me that much. 

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"Shane..." Lisa leaned over and whispered. I was in History; my last class of the day. And my only class with my only friend, Lisa. I was terrified to go home. The only reason my dad didn't beat up on me more this morning was because he was sobering up. He'd get drunk today, ready to beat me tonight. I was terrified to go home "Yeah?" I whispered back, not bothering to look at her. I'd cleverly avoided anybody today. I even avoided Ian and Anthony. They tried to approach me at one point after lunch but I flipped them off and kept walking. They didn't bother to chase after me.  "What happened?" She tenderly touched my jawline. I clenched my teeth. Holy fuck, that hurt. She must've realized it was putting me in pain, though, because her hand withdrew. "Your dad..." She trailed off. I still didn't look at her, just nodded. When the bell rang, I bolted from my seat as soon as I could. I didn't know where I was going. I definitely wasn't going home. I got the privilege to walk home so I didn't always have to go straight there. Sometimes my dad beat me even more for staying out later but it was worth it.

This time, I didn't know if I'd ever go back. 

   At the fork in the road, I chewed on my lip indecisively. One way lead to home...And the other lead to downtown. I went left...

I bet you know where that led.

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I didn't know how long it'd been since I left the school. All I knew was that the sun was setting. It was probably past six.

I was passing by the town's most popular Jewelry store when I heard a crash from inside..

Was somebody breaking in? 

I followed the crash and it lead me to the back alley of the store. There was a dark SUV in the alleyway. I went around the SUV and saw a door propped open by a brick. Someone was inside! Maybe I could stop this..

I went to pull open the door just as somebody when to push it. I collided with...Two guys wearing toboggans and bandanas. Holy freaking crap, It was Joey and Sawyer! "Shit, Joey. There's a kid out here." I leaned against the brick wall as Sawyer scrambled to throw the stuff they had stolen in the back of the SUV and Joey came up to me. "Are you gonna tell?" He towered over me. I was honestly scared...I didn't think I could be scared of Joey.

"Jesus Fucking Christ, Of course he's gonna tell! Grab him and let's go. We can't risk it." Woah...Was I being kidnapped? By fucking Joey and Sawyer?! HOLY SHIT. 

Joey grabbed me by the arm, surprisingly gently, and opened one of the backseat doors. He pushed me in and went around to the passenger side. Once he got in, Sawyer took off. 

They stayed quiet for awhile. Sawyer kept glancing back at me like he had no idea what to do with me. I just hoped they didn't kill me...

This was my dream for so long, they couldn't kill me just as it was coming true. I'd even go on them with their elaborate crimes just to get away from my dad. That was all I'd ever wanted. Finally, Joey spoke, "What happened to your...jaw?" He meant the huge bruise that had settled over my jawline and part of my chin throughout the day. It was an ugly, dark shade of purple. I didn't know whether I should tell them or not. I didn't want their pity...but I was also worried they wouldn't give me any..considering how ruthless everyone made them seem. I decided to tell the truth. "My dad..he beats me." I shrugged like it was no big deal. "You're kidding?" That was Sawyer. Why did they care? Did they have hearts after all? I shook my head. Joey was watching me and Sawyer kept glancing at me. Did they think I was dangerous? Compared to them? 

"What's your name?" Joey asked. "Shane.." I spoke quietly. I had no idea if they were taking me along for the ride or just going to ditch me somewhere. "Well, Shane, welcome to our team." Sawyer said, glancing at Joey. Joey nodded. I had to try not to jump out of my seat. I was apart of them! I was one of them! This was the first time I'd ever felt accepted. I didn't know what made them think I was worthy of it, but I was so glad. I noticed we were driving out of Long Beach, too. 

I was glad to be leaving my old life behind but I'd miss my mom and brothers. They didn't deserve the constant torture they got anymore than I did. But I know they'd end up seeing me on the news. They'd know I was okay. But once my dad realized I was gone forever, would he end up beating my mother and my brothers to make up for my absence? Oh, I hoped not. I knew I'd see them again one day..I just couldn't imagine when yet. As we pulled out of the city limits, I silently said goodbye to Long Beach. 


So, I want to say thanks for Reading my other fic, The Shoey Diaries, and for reading this one! I'm glad people have read and liked both of my fanfictions; It's incredible! I'll update this one regularly now that I've gotten a plot going. Anyway, Thanks for Reading & Voting, may the odds be ever in your favor, gooodbye! c: 


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