Chapter 22 - No coincidence.

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Chapter 22 - No coincidence.

* Shane's POV *

Once Officer Wyatt was gone, I had time to fully reflect on what I'd learned. One..My dad was dead. I was glad, don't get me wrong, but then again I wasn't. When I left, life had continued on without me. But I guess I shouldn't have expected it to stop and come searching for me.

And My dad was dead because of me. If it weren't for me, he wouldn't be dead. And if it weren't for me, Joey wouldn't be in jail. Because he would've never fallen in love with me. And Sawyer would've never gotten jealous and kidnapped us. And we would've never needed saving.

I felt my throat clog up with the weight of unshed tears pooling behind my eyes. "I missed you." My mom said and I looked up from my lap to meet her eyes. She looked to have gotten older since I left. "I missed you, too." I said, realizing for the first time it was true. When I thought of home I always thought hell. Because of my dad, I didn't have time to love my mom or my brothers. I only loved them by association, I only loved them because we were related-in more ways than one. "I was so scared for you," She said, pushing her orange-brown hair back from her face. "I was so scared for you!" I admitted, and I was. I could only imagine what my dad would do to them...But I'd thought he was still alive.

"I guess I should call your brothers at school to let them know you're awake?" She suggested but I just shrugged in reply. I missed Joey. I just wanted to hold him, and hug him, and love him. I could only imagine how alone he was feeling... I wish I could make it all go away.

* Joey's POV *

"Joey," Sawyer breathed out huskily, nudging me with his foot. "Talk to me." He whined. I struggled not to laugh. Talk to him?! What a cockwad.

I glanced around the barren jail cell. I was lucky, I'd been roomed with Sawyer instead of some psycho. Oh wait... Sawyer is a fucking psycho. But at least he's a familiar psycho. I knew his weaknesses and his struggles... I knew what got to him. I could survive this.

I hadn't said a word since they dumped us here two days ago. I hadn't moved from my perch on one of the bunks either. There were two bunks, both across the cell from each other, and a steal toilet and sink in between them on the wall. I took up the right bunk, slumped against the wall, my eyes trained on the opposite brick wall; while Sawyer sat in front of me on the floor, trying to make me budge. He's the reason we're in this mess, I didn't want anything to do with him. But I didn't want anything to do with other criminals, either.

I sighed, the first sound I'd made in two days. Sawyer gasped, slapping my knees lightly. "He's coming out of his shell!" I rolled my eyes, the first gesture I'd made to indicate the acknowledgement of Sawyer's existence. "There he is!" This time I didn't do anything. I honestly didn't think Sawyer wanted anything to do with me, either. I think he was just bored. I'd tried, and successfully managed, to avoid looking at him at all costs. I didn't want to see his shaggy hair or tired eyes and know I looked the same. I didn't want to see the empty face of the person who ruined my life.

For the first time in these two days, I allowed myself to think about Shane...the only person I wanted to see. The cops told us, I think to try and guilt trip us, "The poor boy you fellas kidnapped is in the hospital, in a coma. Hope you two're happy." I wanted to scream the truth in his face but I knew I'd only get some kind if cruel and unusual punishment. So I kept quiet, silently hoping that he was okay.

I wonder if he'd visit me... Or if he'd forget about me completely and go back to living his life. I'd go with the latter, though I didn't want to. I desperately wanted to believe that he was awake... and wherever he was, he was thinking of me.

* Shane's POV *

"Your brothers are on their way, honey." My mom said, stashing her phone in her purse. I smiled, fiddling with my fingers. It'd be nice to see Jared and Jacob. Hopefully they're happier now... I don't think we've ever seen each other happy.

I sighed, my thoughts wandering back to Joey. I wanted so badly to see him... But I didn't even know when I'd get to go back home, yet, never mind visit him. When would Joey get to go home? That's when another thought struck me... Joey doesn't have a home anymore! Maybe his home could be with me.. Maybe he could move in with us. Officer Wyatt did say he'd help us.. Its a possibility Joey could get off on probation. Until then...

I sighed, looking back up to see my mom watching me. "Thinking of Joey?" She asked, pushing herself up from one of the plastic chairs. I nodded. She came closer and set her hand on top of mine in a comforting gesture. "You really love him?" She asked, her voice soft. Our eyes met, mirrors of each other. I whispered, "Yeah."

"You two will find a way. It is no coincidence that you spent months wishing to meet him and then it happened. And it is no coincidence that you two fell in love after only a day of meeting. Joey isn't meant to leave your life yet." She said, squeezing my hand. I smiled then, a real genuine smile, because I knew she was right.


Here's that other chapter I didn't exactly promise but mentioned xD I've really nothing to say but I always do author's notes so x;

Thanks for Reading & Voting; May the odds be ever in your favor, goodbye! c;


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