Chapter 15 - You really shouldn't have done that

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Chapter 15 - You really shouldn't have done that

* Shane's POV *

Joey had been crying for literally thirty minutes by this point. I wasn't making fun of him or blaming him. I guess it was all finally catching up to him. Every bad thing he's done, Every person he's threatened, Every place that he's robbed, Every life that he's ruined. I felt awful that he felt awful but I also felt a tiny splinter of guilty happiness that I could be here to comfort him through everything. "Shane.." He mumbled, picking his head up off my lap. As soon as we realized Sawyer had constructed the robbery on TV, Joey collapsed in my arms, his head resting in my lap. And I'd been holding him, rubbing his back, stroking his hair, or doing anything I could do to try and make him feel a little bit better since. "Yes, baby?" I asked, wiping tears off of his streaked face. "I hate him." He spat, resting his cheek against my thigh again. 

I should've been relieved that he hated Sawyer but all I felt was sadness. I already knew how hard it was for Joey to hate anyone and this hate was depressing him majorly. A sudden flash of anger coursed through my veins as I gently pushed Joey's hair away from his face. I tried to mask my anger as I spoke to him softly, "How about I go rent us a movie from downstairs to try and take our minds off of it?" Joey nodded ever so slightly and slowly pushed himself up from my lap. I kissed his forehead and stood up. "I'll be right back... It's okay if you doze off, though I doubt you will." I said, still speaking quietly, as he climbed under the duvet. I blew him a kiss as I, not so subtly, hurried out of the room. If only he knew... I wasn't going to get a movie! I wasn't just going to sit here and let Sawyer do this to Joey! He was destroying him by robbing another place and he knew it! He also knew how much Joey wanted another shot at life and he ruined that for him! 

 As soon as I shut our door, I started for Sawyer's, a little ways down the hall. As I reached his door, I stuck my ear against it to see if he was inside. I heard shuffling.. A cough... The TV. He was inside. I covered the peephole with my finger and knocked. "Who is it?" I jumped by how close the voice was from the other side of the door. I simply knocked again. He cracked the door, as if to peek out of it, but as soon as I realized his plan, I slammed against the door; knocking it wide open. Sawyer stumbled back a little ways; holding his nose. Aw, poor baby, did I hurt his nose?

 Since he was struggling to wipe the blood from his nose, I lunged for him but he skillfully ducked away from my punch. I didn't expect him to swing therefore I didn't think to move, so his fist caught contact with my jaw; right where my dad hit me less than five days ago. It hurt like hell and I couldn't be angrier. I was scared because of how mad I was. He backed further into the room and I followed him. I wasn't thinking about how bad Sawyer could hurt me and I wasn't thinking about how Joey would feel if he knew what I was doing. All that I was focusing on was Sawyer and how he was a problem. I didn't want to kill him and I didn't want to hurt him, but I knew that with Sawyer, Voilence was the only way. As soon as I rounded the corner to where his bed was, He slammed his hands into my shoulders; trapping me against the wall. "You stupid punk," He growled between clenched teeth; his sour breath attacking my senses. "I can't believe I let you join us, We would've been fine without you. And Joey wouldn't have started thinking about "starting a new life" What bullshit that is, by the way. We can't start a new life, This is our life! And we don't need you in it! Joey and I are a team, You're just some little pussy we dragged along so you wouldn't tell. I would've never dragged you with us if I knew how much of a little weakling you were, or how messed up in the head you were. How's it feel to know you're a worthless piece of shit, huh, Shane?" 

That hurt. And it hurt because he was right. Everything he said was true. I tried to clear my head of such thoughts because before I knew it, he had a switchblade pressing into my neck. I could already feel a faint scratch setting in. And I was oddly okay with what he was doing. I knew that he was going to kill me. And I knew that I was going to let him. 

But then I was free. Oxygen came easier, and I could no longer smell his awful breath. I slid to the floor, my thoughts spinning. I wasn't grasping everything that was happening. But then I heard a voice that I knew very well. It was a voice that I'd become accustomed to and it was a voice that I was in love with. "You asshole! You did this to me on purpose!" I heard a sickening crack and I knew someone's bone was broken. I had a vague sense that it wasn't Joey's. "You ruin everything for me! My life was fine before we started robbing places! I was happy, you were happy! We had a good life and you fucked it up! And now you're fucking this one up!" 

My cheek was rubbing the carpet and It took me a second to realize I'd fallen over. It was like back in that store in the mall. Everything was in slow motion. But somehow I knew, We were going to be okay. "Come on, Shane... We're leaving." I heard Joey whisper in my ear before I was aware of the sense of being lifted into the air. Joey was carrying me. "You really.." I heard between gurgling and the sputtering of something... and in the back of my mind, I knew that it was blood. "Shouldn't have.. Done t-that." Though the voice was weak, there was a tough edge in it. It was, of course, Sawyer and he wasn't going to let this one go. Joey and I could run... But we'd never get anywhere. Sawyer was devious, crazy even. He'd find a way to get us... Because, We really shouldn't have done that. 


What ze actually fuck vas that? ^~^  Dramatic chapter, bum dum dun. ._. So... I realized something. I haven't really had any smuttiness in this story yet x; But... the way things are rolling I can't exactly have them break out in senseless sex, now can I? <.< But, I feel like writing some so it will probably end up happening in one of the upcoming chapters, so prepare yourself demon spawns. :'3 I say demon spawns because if you look forward to reading smut, you are just like me, which is completely fucked up. ;_____;

[ btw; my apologies for all the cursing in this chapter... it was worse than it usually is ;-; ]

Annnnnnywaaaaaaay, Thanks for Reading (1.8k Reads, Oh my gosh!) & Voting; May the odds be ever in your favor, gooodbye! cx


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