c u a r e n t a i n u e v e

Start from the beginning

"I wanted to Jimin. Don't worry." He smiles, sitting back down next to his boyfriend.

"Now my gift for Hobi!" A pouty Tae yells, sticking out his giant box. "It trumps over all gifts."

"I bet." Hoseok chuckles, lifting the lid off the box. His eyes widen at the contents inside. "Gucci shoes?" He glances back and forth between the gift and a proud Taehyung. "Where did you get the money to-"

"I've got lawyers for parents, what do you think?"

His smile tries to mask the wince at the word parents, but fails. "Thank you Taehyung, I know how much you like Gucci."

"Damn straight."

Hoseok then pulls out a gift of his own for Taehyung and whispers in his ear. "Open my gift later." At least, he tried to whisper. We all knew it was something bedroom worthy.

"Open my gift Jungkook!" Hoseok reaches over to hand him another shoebox sized box. Jungkook's eyebrow raises, carefully undoing the paper. "Is this another gag gift?" Hobi shakes his head, holding Tae's hand. "No shit Hoseok. Where do you get the money for all these gifts?"

Jungkook pulls out a new pair of shoes with spikes on the soles. "Shoes?" I ask.

"Not just any shoes Jimin, the shoe brand of Lionel Messi's favorite shoes! He's my soccer role model!" He jumps up, Hoseok in his arms as he twirls him around. "I needed new shoes for soccer!"

"Hey! Put my boyfriend down!" Taehyung yells, tugging on Jungkook's leg.

"Shit sorry, haha." Jungkook plops down next to me, admiring the present in his hands. Does everyone really know Jungkook more than me? I would've never thought about that...

"I don't have any gifts for you two cause you ungrateful hoes never said thank you for the cruise gifts." Taehyung crosses his arms, nose edging towards the ceiling.

"You've gotta be kidding me."

"Nope, Jung-hoe."

"Shut up Kim Tae-hoe."

"You shut up!"

"You started it!"

"Guys!" Hoseok yells. "No fighting! It's Christmas Eve for fucks sake."

"He's right, the season of giving and happiness." Jungkook looks up from his gift to stare at my eyes, reaching out one hand to pinch my cheek.

"You're so cute Jimin-ah.~"

"Awww you two are so cute." Taehyung oogles at us, pinching my other cheek.

"Stop pinching my cheeks!" They laugh, pulling back their hands.

"We can't help it."

"Whatever... Now my gift for Taehyung!"

I pull out the gift bag from under the decorated tree and pass it over. Pieces of red and green paper maché fly in the air, gracefully floating down. "Jiminie this is such a Jimin-thing to give. Are you telling me I smell?"

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