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  Segration. I found out that was what they called this.  Losing count of the time that I had spent here, I laid around waiting for death to come knocking on my door. I stopped at two, when my brain started getting cloudy and my dehydration took over. It was even worse at night, when I could even see my own breath.

I was completely alone, with my heartbeat as my only friend. It was the only thing that proved that I was alive. A minute felt like hours and hours felt like days. Soon, I could feel my own heartbeat faltering as time passed.

It wasn't my time yet.

Yet I wished it was. If death gave me its hand, I would willingly take it. I was in pain, in severe pain.It was the most terrible pain, constant, grinding. Was it over yet? That was all I wanted to know. If I didn't die of dehydration or hunger, maybe I'll die from hypothermia. I heard that it was an easier way to go.

For the first time for what seemed like an eternity, I heard people again. Multiple. No, please don't come for me. Maybe they were here to just finally kill me. It would be so much better than just enduring this torture. "Princess, are you okay?" I scoffed inwardly. Princess she calls me. I wonder if princesses get locked up and starved like me.

"Alpha, It seems that she's too weak to get out of Segration. You have to go in and get her." I heard the same person mutter. There was no response from Jaxton as I thought. Alpha? What was that? But, the pain immediately diminished that from my thoughts.

Keys were inserted into the key hole and the door to the cell creaked open. I titled my head slightly to see my torturer. Demon. That's what he is. He looked at me with a softness that I couldn't stand. I let out a grunt as he kneel beside me.

Just let me stay in my cell and rot to death."You have every single right to be angry," His  hand cupped my cheek before resting them on my protruding ribs. He pilled back almost immediately, as if I had a disease. "But I cannot leave yo down here. You've survived seven days, it's your time to come out."

How dare he ask me me for a favor? He was in no place to do so. His arms went under my legs and he lifted me up princess style. The only clothing I had on my drifted to the ground, leaving me stark naked. Only then did he notice how deathly thin I was. "Fuck." He muttered in a low voice. I twisted my head a little to look a t my hand, to see my bones sticking out weirdly. He was the cause of him.

As soon as we walked out of where every I was held, he laid me on the grass.The woman that he was with let out a gasp. There apparently was also a man with him.

"Why won't you let me die?" I croaked out, making it feel like there was sandpaper scratching against my throat. I was greeted with silence.

 Jaxton began unbuttoning his shirt and made me wear it. It reach my thighs and for the first time, I giggled. "Now." Jaxton muttered as something was pierced into my neck. It hurt, for a moment before I started to feel warm and bubbly.

I was lifted then again, to be taken somewhere. Apparently whatever they stuck into me mad me talkative and cuddly. At least it made the pain stop. "Why aren't they lookie me." I muttered to Jaxton. "Will you lookie me?" Jaxton gave me a slight glance before looking away. I sighed childishly as i snuggled into him. Are we there yet? All this movement is giving me a headache.

He scowled at me unknowingly. I patted his cheek. "Maybe you should take some of those stuff too. Then you can be happy like me." I suggested patting his cheek repeatedly.

But soon enough, I could see hallways, doors and what seemed like a room. Jaxton kicked open the door as I giggled again. "You look like Jackie Chan when you do that." He laid me on a bed in a dark black room.

"It's my room. I'm putting you here so that I can keep an eye on you." I rolled around like a caterpillar. This was so comfortable and fluffy. "Hugie..." I squealed raising my arms trying to get a hug from him. He shook his head walking towards the door.

"When you wake up, you'll hate me for it." His last words before he walked out of the door, leaving me alone again.

When I got back to my right mind, I hated him with an utmost intensity.









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