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Then, he was back to ignoring me again. The little tiny bond, though weak, was broken. Something that I went through a lot to build. That little trust. Now all gone. I thought my life here might actually get better. Now that's gone too.

The only thing that that was good here was Claire. And the food. The food was beyond words. My best source of happiness. The only thing that has always been there for me. Why does my Heart hurt? It feel like it was being squeezed as hard as it could. Something was wrong with me. And my heart.

The pain didn't stop. On the other hand, it increased. Shit.
I saw him. And my existence didn't matter. It was almost as if he wasn't the one who brought me in to mess.

Why I was separated from my family. Because of him. Maybe. If I escape he wouldn't notice. That's when i started planning my escape. God know did I would pass or not. Help me cauldrons above.


The only way out, was through the window and into the woods again. There didn't seem to be anyone else around for miles, not with the recent order from the king not for anyone to speak to me. That was good news. Both my hands were empty, nothing I could bring. Or that I wanted to.

If I wanted to escape from here, I wanted nothing to remind me of it. I would miss nothing, except maybe the only two friends I have her. Tears creep out of my eyes. In a haste, I wiped them away. No. I have to remember, my siblings and all my loved ones back home.

There was nothing that you would think that Jaxton did I to me. Yes. There is nothing. Maybe just mentally. He tortured me by taking me away from the only place that excepted me. Where ever I went as a child, I was always stared at. Like I was an abnormality or a freak. It was frustrating.

Not thinking about it any further, I picked up the chair next to the bed I was sitting on and hurled it at the windows it wasn't going to be long before they notice my absence.

Hi guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated for a long time and that this is short. My exams are coming up so I really had to revise. I'm sorry and promise to update very soon with a longer chapter.  BTW, did u guys see my new cover? Chic right!

  BTW, did u guys see my new cover? Chic right!

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