chapter 8- A long walk

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A/n: I just want to apologize about the long wait...I've been sick, busy, depressed, and very stressed. Thanks for putting up with me...I'm really sorry.

-four- 💖😅

Me and ash stay in the back and talk. We haven't really got to talk to each other lately...we talk about some Pokemon and then about our home town.

As ash talks to me, I look at xerneas and x walking beside each other. Pikachu and dedenne sit on xerneas' back talking with them in their Pokemon language.

"When we get to the gym, I think I want to battle you again." Ash says. I smirk,"are you sure about that?"

He laughs,"I think it would be good for training." He says I nod,"yeah, it would be."

~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We eat lunch, and hang out for a few minutes.

Bonnie and I are in the field with (f/p). I see a pretty blue flower and pluck it from the ground.

"oh! (f/n) thats really pretty!" She says. I look at her blonde hair and at the flower. I tuck the flower in her side pony tail.

"there, now it makes you look beautiful!" I say making a flower necklace for (f/p). I gently put it around (g/b) neck. (g/b) jumps around excitedly.

"(Pokemon catch phrase)!!!" (g/b) smiles. I feel someone brush my (h/l) (h/c) hair back and put in a bright (f/c) (f/flower) behind my ear. Ash's fingers brush against my (s/c) skin making goosebumps go down my spine.

"there, now you look even more beautiful." Ash says. Bonnie gags,

"ewwwwwwwwww! come on ash! None if that lovey dovey stuff!" She acts like she is throwing up and points a finger in her mouth while turned to (f/p). They both laugh and I turn to Ash.

"hey Bonnie, why don't you go play with xerneas?" I ask. She squeals,"YES! LETS GO (F/P)!" she runs off. I giggle a little.

"how was training?" I ask twirling a piece hair around my finger.

"Good," he replies with a grin. Pikachu hoos on my shoulder and nuzzles my cheek. I see smudges of dirt on him.

Then, I get an idea.

I grab ash's hand and drag him to the lake.

"whoa! (f/n)! Where are we going?!" Ash asks. I giggle,"come on silly and you'll find out!"

We arrive at The lake,"pikachu needs a bath..." I say setting Pikachu down.

"no! Wait!" Ash cries but Pikachu is already in the water. Pikachu never liked baths...I start to scrub him. Ash helps me. Pikachu plays in the water and splashes us.

I giggle and splash pikachu a bit. He laughs and splashes my blue shirt. I jump in and let pikachu sit on my shoulders as I swim. Soon ash jumps in.

He swims to me and grabs pikachu."You never like baths, what changed?" He laughs. I peck his cheek,

"I'm special with Pokemon."

Then, a big splash comes behind us.

Xerneas jumped in. X follows after and swim doggy-stlye. They swim to shallow water and start to splash each other with their antlers.

I laugh and get in xerneas's back."Let's get 'em girl!" I shout. She rears up and splashes ash, pikachu, and x.

"oh no you dont (f/n)!" Ash Smirks and gets on x. "CHARGE!" He cries out and x splashes us. Xerneas splashes them so powerfully that they fall over. I laugh so hard that I have to hold my stomach. "a-are y-you o-okay?! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!" I busty out laughing at their faces when they fell over.

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