chapter 5- the easiest decision

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(That's the duet with you and Samuel. Don't play yet)

I wake up in the middle of the night, i look around and xerneas went to her bed...Bonnie is in a weird position is sleep and clemont is sleeping upside down. Ash isn't in his bed. I look at the time, it's 1:00. I put on a jacket and look out the window. I see ash sitting on a bench, pikachu asleep in his hood, ash just stares at the moon. I jog out there to go talk to him.

"Hey," I say when I'm in a close range. The breeze is cold and goes through my jacket, I pull it tighter around my small body,"mind if I join you?" I ask looking down,"no, please sit," he scoots over."thanks." I say. He hums in response. I look into distance away from him. Its a little awkward talking to him...1, from the kiss and 2, from him and Samuel..."h-hey ash?" I whisper. He turns to me,"yea?" "Um...are we a thing? From what happened in the Pokemon center...while we were waiting for (f/p)?" I ask shyly. There is a short silence."do you want to be?" He asks me. I guess I want to be, I like him...but what if he doesn't?"Um...sort of...I mean....yes. I do. I like you a lot, but I don't want to get in your way from becoming a Pokemon master!" I confess. There is a silence. I don't want to see his reaction........i will get rejected................... I just know it.........I've never liked someone this way. And I'm scared........I hear him take in a breath to speak."(f/n), you won't get in my way, I like you too, and I want to be in a relationship too. If that's fine." He says lifting up my head and kisses me. Its not very long, but a five seacond kiss....because we are sort of kids..... He smiles at me, and I smile back. I rest my head on his shoulder and look at the moon. I look at pikachu...... He looks like he seen a ghost..............I smile at him and turn back around. I fall asleep.

"Come on let's go! We leave in an hour!" Bonnie shakes me awake. I groan and get up. I put on some cloths since I change their."hurry! Let's go!" Bonnie takes my hand and drags me out.

It's so bazzar. There are nice people, food stands, and a Pokemon both to take pictures with your Pokemon! I look around amazed, its so pretty. I go to the back stage and change. The dress is a perfect fit, and so is the crown. It drags a bit behind me but it will do. I think I'm going to sing with xerneas. It's a song that I used to sing for her when she was still a fawn, she used to get nightmares...I walk out. Xerneas is lying down, she opens her eyes and lifts her head,"xerneas," she says quietly, I twirl,"do you like it?" I ask. She stands up and sniffs the fabric and crown."I'm glad you like it, it's your turn now!" I say. I take out the jewelry, I put on the ribbons then the beads. The antlers were a little tricky. I get some glitter and dab(lol dab) it on her. I don't put much, but a little."come on and look in the mirror," I say. She walks over ans her eyes widen. She looks carefully at the ribbons and beads."Oh," she gasp. I hear foot steps,"my, don't you both look astonishing." Samuel says. I blush,"thank you," I turn to him. He wears a black suit with a white bow tie, x wears a black bow tie on his neck. X and xerneas nuzzle each other. I smile at them."they seem to like each other." I say petting x's neck. Samuel steps in front of me,"yes indeed." He says quietly. I squek when he puts his hands on my waist."um...i-" "shh, we have a performance soon. You'll be going last, I'm about to go then you. After a few minutes we have our duet." He whispers in my ear making my cheeks hot."o-okay." I say and push away quickly,"good luck," I say. He hums and nods once,"x, let's go." He says. X pecks xerneas cheek. She nods as he turns around.'i wounder what their conversation was.' I think to myself."hey, remember that song I sang to you when you were a fawn?" Xerneas turns to me, then nods a moment later,"well, before the song, I want you to debri memoricaly. Okay? I'm only doing this once." I say. She nods,"you know which one right?" I ask and she nods again."good," I say and stroke her head and cheek.

"And now, the five year in a row champion, Samuel Icevan and his Pokemon x the xerneas!" The announcement is made, samuel makes his way to the stage,"oh wow! Look at x!" Clemont says pointing. My hands tighten on the arm rest. He does (what ever you want him to do bc idk what to do...) Once it ends, everyone claps."Pikachu!" Pikachu says. I sigh and rub between his ears,"I don't know where (f/n) is...." I say quietly."That was a great performance!" Bonnie says."yea! Did you see those moves! I wonder how he is in battel!" Clemont says."I don't know, maybe we can battle him!" I say. Clemont nods,"yea, maybe not, he is a star." he says. I don't say anything.
"up next is (f/n) (l/n) with xerneas!" They say. I sit on the edge of my seat. She comes on stage wearing a blue dress with a xerneas antler crown. Xerneas wear a bunch of ribbons and jewelry."wow," I gasp. "Pika pika!" Pikachu yells."yay (f/n)!" "Let's go (f/n)!" " you can do this!" We each call out. Xerneas steps up as (f/n) grabs a microphone."now xerneas," she says. Xerneas closes her eyes, her antlers light up with color and her spots on her back light up. Then sparkles burst every where. People hold out there hands to catch them. The judges to as well. The sparkles make a dome shape around us, then in the dome is all white. The light go out as the white screens project a movie.

(dont play this song yet)
'thunder rumbles...xerneas was a fawn at this time, she was taking a nap, until a terrible nightmare came to her mind. She wakes up and cries out in fear,"xerneas!" She shrikes with tears streaming down her face. She runs to (f/n) and cry's in her lap,"it was just a nightmare, I wont let it get you girl," she strokes her and whispers soothing words."X-xerneas..." Xerneas's lower lip wobbles, as more tears form in her eyes making them shine."shh, its okay...I'll sing for you-”(play song but not the top one, the second one.)
(F/n) starts to sing as the movie changes sentence-
'they are running through a field, her and xerneas arent very old but xerneas's antlerts have grown more. They are laughing and have smiles on their faces, then it changes again to her and xerneas's first battle. And then changes back to the original sentence. her words sooth xerneas as she slowly goes back alseep, xerneas is still whimpering as the song gets more in tune. Her tears still stream down as she looks up to her trainer. (F/n) smiles down and strokes her. She lies her head back down, her tears wiped away from (f/n), trusting her that she will keep her safe. Trusting that she has loved her for a thousand years...and a thousand more.'
-end of movie-

Everyone stands up and wipes tears away, claps, and cheers. The judges keep some sparkles, and so do the audience. I stand up and clap. Then moments later we have to sit down.
"Now its time for the second half of the performance then the judges will decide the winners!"

everyone does their second half of it, then (f/n) and Samuel come up.'what is he doing with (f/n)?' I growl to myself. She us dressed in a different xerneas costume, instead its a red one. Samuel is in a xerneas costume. Its a duet.
(Watch video here)
When it finishes, samuel walk up to (f/n) and.................








......kisses her?!?!

I stand up and pikachu calls out surprised."pikachu?!" He says. I storm out and go to the garden.

(F/n) p.o.v.
Once we go off stage I slap Samuel,"what is wrong with you?" I say angerly. He smirks,"what do you mean?" He ask. I grit my teeth,"oh, you know." I say and storm off to the changing rooms. I go on the stage with xerneas. We have to wait to see our score and what place we got.
"in third place- Alex Gustave and bulbasaur!"
We all clap,
"In second place- Samuel Icevan and x!"
Whispers go around but they clap.
"And finally, in first place- (f/n) (l/n) and xerneas! Congratulations!"
Everyone cheers and xerneas puts me on her back and I wave to everyone. They give up our metals and I get my trophy."great job (f/n)!" Clemont shouts. I smile but fades,"where is ash?" I ask.

I walk put side to see ash with all his Pokemon out."hey,"I say, he jumps,"wha?! Oh...its you." He sighs. I sit down,"what you saw, I can explain..." I say. He doesn't say anything,"listen, I agreed to do a duet for the second half but that wasn't part of the show..." I say. He turns to me,"are you sure?" He asks. I nod and grab his cheeks and peck his lips. I laugh a little. Then I look over to the lake. xerneas and x are lying down, fire fly's are surrounding them, their are small ripples in the water. He nuzzles her cheek and lips. They are so cute..."look," I whisper to ash. He looks at them and wraps a arm around my shoulder,"you did a amazing performance, I loved it." Ash says. I smile,"thanks." Pikachu hops on my lap and I pet him, I sigh and rest my head on ash's shoulder. I soon fall asleep. If I had to choose ash or Samuel.... That's a easy decision... I choose you, ash.

Thanks for reading!!!!! Comment what you thought, and give me ideas!! I'm still running out and sorry for this news...........but I will only be making 10 chapters....😑😯😐😠😥😦😧😨😩😰😟😱😲😳😵😶😞😒😫😭🙀🙊💔👎 I'm soooooooo sorry.

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