"It was a surprise!" Scott laughs and I pull away to kiss his cheek.

"Well it's an incredible one!" I laugh and the blonde grins.

"Yes it is," I sense another meaning under his words but before I can question it, there's a grumble and another person coming up the stairs.

"Can't believe I had to hide under a bed," he grumbles before grinning at me and I squeal, running into Mitch's arms. "Little Cloud! Oh, I missed you!"

"I missed you more!" I exclaim and he laughs, squeezing me tight. "Is it just you two?"

"Yeah, sorry," Scott replies and I pull away from Mitch to smile at them.

"It's okay, I just excited you two are here," I grin and they grin back. "Who organised this? Was it you Scott?"

He smirks at Mitch but shaking his head. "Nope."

"Mitch?" I ask but he shakes his head too.

"It was your f- boyfriend," Scott replies and I furrow my eyebrows.

What was he going to say?

"Ahem," someone behind me clears their throat and I turn around to see Shane step out from behind the giant teddy bear. I grin at him and rush to hug him. "Hey babe."

"You did all this?" I ask and he grins, nodding. "Good God, I love you."

"People normally call me Shane," he winks and I laugh.

"You have been feeling nostalgic today, haven't you?" I ask and he nods again. "So what's all this for?"

Shane grins and nods at Scott and Mitch. I turn around confused and they grin at each other before starting to sing.

"Wise men say, only fools rush in," they sing and my heart swells at their voices. One of my favourite songs being sung by some of my favourite voices is the most incredible feeling ever. "But I can't help, falling in love with you."

They continue to sing before Shane joins in on the final line and the pair fade out, leaving Shane to sing on his own. I spin around as soon as I hear his voice and my throat immediately begins to close up; he's standing there, a small black box in his hand and a small goofy, but nervous, grin on his face.

"But I can't help falling in love with you," he sings and my eyes widen as I watch him slowly sink to one knee. "Skylar-"

"What the fück are you doing?" I blurt out as he chuckles.

"Patience, please," he replies and clears his throat before starting over. "Anyway, like I was saying, Skylar. I love you so much. We've honestly been through Hell and back and yet we're still here, going strong. I knew that from the moment we truly began talking that you were going to flip my world upside down. To me, you were, and still are, the most beautiful girl in the world. You're the smartest yet the dumbest girl too, because you took me back, even after everything I did." He grins sheepishly at me and I roll my eyes. "I hope what I'm saying so far sounds good because I definitely did not expect to make it this far in the speech without having to get up and stop you from crying." I shoot him a blank look and he laughs. "Babe, we both know how emotional you are." Mitch clears his throat from behind me and Shane chuckles. "Anyway, what I'm trying to say is-"

From behind me, Scott and Mitch begin to sing the final line again as Shane opens the small box to reveal a small but beautiful diamond ring.

"Skylar Abbey Daniels, will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my wife?" He grins at me and it suddenly hits me that the love of my life, is proposing to me.

A sob escapes my lips and I nod my head quickly, making him grin and jump up before enclosing me in a hug.

"I knew you'd cry," he whispered in my ear and I sniffle.

"How'd you know?" I murmur back and he pulls back to kiss my forehead.

"I just know you, pumpkin." He smiles softly and I sniffle. "I love you so freaking much."

"I love you too." I whisper and Shane winks at me before whistling. I begin to hear a scratching sound from behind my fiance.

I quickly step back and look at the giant teddy in fear. "Shane, what the fuc-"

The teddy suddenly falls forward and something runs out from behind it, making me scream. A loud yip makes my mouth drop open.

"Shane, I don't..." I whisper out and he grins. He whistles again and the puppy comes bounding over to him. "It's..."

"Yes, babe, it's a puppy." He grins at me and picks up the small German Shepard. "It's yours."

"You got me a puppy!?" I squeal and grab it out of his arms. "What's its name?"

"His name is undecided. You get to pick it." Shane smiles and I grin at him. The puppy looks up at me and licks my cheek, making me snort then laugh.

I suddenly remember we're not the only ones in the room when Scott mutters, "that was attractive."

I spin around, the dog still in my arms, and Mitch coos, rushing forward to pat the German Shepard. Heart-eyes Hoying slowly follows but his eyes stay trained on Mitch, even when he begins patting the dog.

"Why can't you buy me a dog?" Mitch pouts and Scott's hand freezes.

"Mitchell, we have 3 cats and I bought them all." Scott replies and Mitch waves him off.

"Minor details." The brunette responds and I laugh again before a thought hits me. I slowly turn around and give Shane a sheepish grin.

He narrows his eyes at me before speaking up. "We're not naming the dog Scömìche."

"Puh-lease," I pout at him but he shakes his head. "Why not?"

"We're not naming our dog after a gay couple."

"You're a gay couple," I mutter and he shoots me a blank look.

"Do you really want to call him that?" Shane sighs and I nod eagerly. "Fine."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you so much!" I cheer and he rolls his eyes but a grin gradually grows on his face.

"Did you hear that Scotty? We have a child now," Mitch speaks up and I laugh spinning around.

"Does that mean you have to call him daddy?" I wink at Mitch and his cheeks flare red.

Scott grins at me and wraps an arm around the smaller man's shoulders. "Lar, he does that anyway."



I hope you all enjoyed?

I think I'm gonna take down my Extras book and just move them here? That or just delete them idk

So. 76K reads? Um. Okay? I don't even know how I got that many. I'm so incredibly grateful to all of you.

Where do you keep your tomato sauce after you open it? In the fridge or the cupboard?

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Stay gorgeous!


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Please watch The Breakfast Club, it's my baby

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