Chapter 38

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This chapter is dedicated to There For Tomorrow.
If you don't know who they aren't, you might wanna check them out ;)

(='∀`)('∀`=)       <----- That's me and them high-fiving

In advance, there is a bit of swearing in this.

This chapter contains a very big sexual reference at the start so just... Skip it if that offends you.


Sup3rfruitler2013: Oh my God I'm so sorry.

Sup3rfruitler2013: That was my guardian. He stole my phone.

BVBBOY666: Haha, that's okay.

BVBBOY666: I was going to tell you something but I can tell that there are people around you and it's kind of private so I'll text you later ;)

Sup3rfruitler2013: Wait.... How do you know there are people around me?

BVBBOY666: I just know you pumpkin ;)


{13th January, Wednesday}

BVBBOY666: You suck.

Sup3rfruitler2013: You swallow.

Sup3rfruitler2013: *slides on sunglasses while a building explodes in the background*

BVBBOY666: You just keep getting better.

Sup3rfruitler2013: Why?

BVBBOY666: You're a bro and that automatically makes you awesome.

Sup3rfruitler2013: I was already awesome but thank you :3

BVBBOY666: As a wise man once said

Sup3rfruitler2013: Don't wear tampons if you're a boy!

BVBBOY666: That was an amazing series

Sup3rfruitler2013: Yeah, I loved the Until Dawn one too.

BVBBOY666: What was your favourite quote?

Sup3rfruitler2013: "Why does she talk like she's got a potato up her butt?" What was your favorite?

BVBBOY666: Haha mine was "New character. Emily. Mike's ex. Intelligent, resourceful, persuasive, all traits of Asian people. Sorry, I had to say that."

Sup3rfruitler2013: Yellow is evil

BVBBOY666: So don't drink your own piss

BVBBOY666: I'm going to tell you a scary story.

Sup3rfruitler2013: Okay....

BVBBOY666: you're walking in the woods

BVBBOY666: there's no one around and your phone is dead

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