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"You're gonna have to tell me how this isn't bad, Nick," you snapped, "because all that I can see here is how you manipulated everyone to get your way! Again!"

"I did this because they needed the push, and he needed to step away. "

"Oh, I'll give you a push. I'll push you off the goddamn roof!"

Steve was no less shocked than you were, even as you raged at the two men, he stood silent and staring at Phil as if he had seen a ghost. Steve had dealt with sudden returns from the dead before, obviously, but something about this one left him feeling uneasy, and ultimately like he had been part of a hastily executed prank. He had heard your words through the pounding heartbeat in his ears, but he didn't move his feet until he saw you take a step forward towards Nick with venom in your tone. "Woah, (Y/N), let's calm down."

"No, I won't, Steve," you turned to him, yanking your arm from his grip, "because I'm so sick and tired of being screwed around with. Things are going good around here for the first time in a long time, and then this revelation drops into our laps. Phil," you sighed, turning back, "I love you, I really do, and I'm ecstatic that you're alive, but this...this isn't okay. You have no idea what we've been through in the years since you've been gone." You tried to bite back the tremble in your lower lip, feeling like it was the most obvious thing in the room and taking everyone's attention, until Phil took a step forward to meet you, reaching his hand out for you to take.

"(Y/N), I need you to forgive me. I hope that you all can, because no one invites dead guys to weddings and I don't know how much longer I can stand all work and no play. It makes Phil a dull boy," he smiled mischievously. "I even bought a suit. Do you know how hard it is for a dead fella to get measured?"

"I know what you're doing," you answered between clenched teeth that struggled to hold back your own smile, "and dammit if it isn't working." When your hand connected with his, it was such a familiar feeling from your past that it shook your confidence and resolve to be angry with him. The last time you had seen Phil Coulson, he was lifeless, staring at you with blank eyes; he had taken a bit of your heart with him when he died, and now that he was standing in front of you again with renewed life behind those same eyes, you decided that wasting time with being angry was just too difficult.

"I can't believe that you married Cap," he smirked. "I didn't think he would be your type."


"Never did get my cards signed," he deflected with a low grumble, following you as you began to lead him into the building.

"I did. Do you want them back?"

"Shut. Up." he gasped, stopping cold in his tracks. "(Y/N), you're serious? You have my trading cards? But, why?"

"They were important to you, and when they somehow landed in my hands, I felt responsible to keep them safe."

"Can I see them?"

"I was going to introduce you to my kids first, if that's okay?" you smiled, gleaning joy from his own as you watched the excitement build at his anticipation of getting something so rare back into his hands. There was no way for you to have known that this day would ever come, but now that it had, you were thanking yourself for having the foresight to hide those cards when Nick had asked for them back so many years ago.

"But...they're vintage..."

"Yeah, and Nick wiped blood all over them, so they aren't near-mint anymore, sorry to say."

"He did what?"

You waved him off dismissively, dropping him off at the living room so that you could go get his precious cards, knowing that he wouldn't move until you returned. Nick entered the room right behind you, taking a seat across from Coulson, only to find himself on the receiving end of a death-glare that left him feeling a chill in the air around him. "Hey, (Y/N), you need any help?" Fury called out to you, desperation clear in his tone.

I Thought You Were Different: Part 4Where stories live. Discover now